Grave Mistake

On the surface, still riding his abominable creation, Ed stood there silently taking in the barren sight. He had just recently absorbed W and he now sat there pensively.

Now that he could feel some of the terror that W felt he had to admit he couldn't let those elves go without at least intimidating them a bit. While W wasn't traumatized or anything, given that they were the same person Ed still felt some animosity towards them.

'Hmm… I should probably be careful about that too' He needed to be as rational as possible at all times. That was at least what he personally believed was best when dealing with the unknowns of the dungeon.

Speaking of unknown...

'Should I maybe go to the ruins found by Mauro?' After Idrisi was blown away by a sandstorm he ended up surprisingly close to the ruins Mauro found. It wasn't very close on foot but Ed was not on foot.

Noting that there was another entity, Ed realized something.