Alolvi's choice

It was already the third day of Ed teaching the elves how to create arrays, and the elves were now starting to become really invested. After class, the residents of all ages were happily discussing the topics that had been covered and some were even putting the topics into practice.

One such individual was Sudryal.

"It's really enlightening… Sigh…" He said with a defeated sigh. If it wasn't for the fact that the other elders stopped inviting him to meetings, Sud would still be actively plotting against Ed.

Well, now things were a little different hence his defeated sigh but the point was if it wasn't for his sudden appointment as an advisor he would be registered as an enemy of Ed. The twists and turns of life were hard to understand.

Currently, Sudryal was creating an array at his provided home. Like the other houses, none of them were particularly large. Cities were known to have small apartments in order to house a larger number of residents.