Funtime Dancefloor

Alright, I just need to use this flash beacon at the right moment, and listen to Foxy's movement. And I need to make sure I don't trip or get lost in the dark. William was reciting Baby's instructions as he crawled through the vent-way back to the primary control module. He climbed out of the vent-way and opened the little vent door inside, and turned to the Funtime Auditorium entrance vent.

He reached for his backpocket to pull out his flash beacon, and tested it one more time before entering. Knowing how long the flash lasted for and how long it took to cool down was crucial to timing this correctly. Looks like it flashes for a brief second and takes around eight seconds to cool down. Okay, I should be able to time this right if I'm careful.

He crawled down to the floor and opened the Funtime Auditorium entrance vent hatch, and crawled right through it. When he entered inside, the room around him was pitch black, total darkness, with not even a dim light shining inside of here. This is giving me vibes from last night with Ballora. I certainely don't want another moment of terror like that happening again. The Hand-Unit spoke up, giving William his new directions.

"Unlike Ballora, Funtime Foxy is motion activated, and can see. For this reason, it is important to keep the entire room dark, as to not accidentally activate her. You have been provided with a flash beacon. Use it if you need to get your bearings, and to ensure you don't bump into anything in the dark. However, use it as sparingly as possible, as it takes a little bit to cool down. Proceed forward to reach the Parts & Service room."

Ok, so I need to use this every now and then to make sure I see where I am going, and not use the beacon too often, William thought. But I also need to make sure I don't run into Foxy, too, otherwise she'll kill me. Better listen carefully for any movement, too. There didn't seem to be much noise, except the air conditioning. Three, two, one, now! He used the flash beacon for the first time, showing a small light quickly flash in front of him. He couldn't see much the first time, but he was able to see the wall in the back. A few tables were in front of where he standing, so he moved carefully to get around them without tripping over. He walked slowly and carefully to make sure that Foxy couldn't hear him because he was nervous that maybe she, like Ballora, could hear him if he was being loud enough. Definitely don't want to make that mistake.

Around twenty seconds later, William bumped into something that felt like one of the tables, but luckily regained his balance. Time to use this thing again. When he used the flash beacon again, though, he saw for a very brief moment, Funtime Foxy, standing at the other end of the table, staring right into his eyes. Oh no, she's right there. I need to keep moving. He was still quite a good distance away from the parts and service room, so it was going to take a while to get there safely.

While the flash beacon cooled down, he could hear some slight movement near him. It wasn't very loud, only sounding like a brief pitter-patter, but he wasn't going to take any chances with it. My God, this is even more terrifying than having to go through Ballora's room. At least last time I could see where she was. Come on, when's the cooldown going to be finished? The movements could still be heard, each one getting increasingly louder. Now, the flash beacon finished its cooldown, fast enough for him to use it again. This time around, Funtime Foxy was standing only a few feet in front of him, with her jaws wide open, ready to pounce. William immediately moved out of the way to avoid her attack, and could hear loud metal banging coming near him, probably from Funtime Foxy pouncing on the ground.

She's never been this close before. I got to move faster if I want to get to the parts and service room. He tried walking away, and could still hear Foxy moving around. He waited for a few moments before using the flash beacon again, just to be sure that Foxy wasn't after him. Let's see how far away she is now. The flash beacon lit up, showing no sign of Foxy anywhere in the room. He could also see the doorway to the parts and service room at the end of the gallery. Ok, just a little bit more, William, just need to have patience, he thought to reassure himself. Before he could start walking again, he started to hear very large, careful footsteps, drawing nearer and nearer to him as they went. William was starting to feel a little jumpy, but he was taken completely by surprise when he felt something hard gash at his arm.

Out of shock, he unintentionally used the flash beacon once more, and briefly saw Foxy clawing at his arm, immediately blinded by the flash beacon. Damn it, that hurt! Shit, I need to move! I gotta move! It didn't feel like his injury was that severe, since he couldn't feel any blood coming out of it. But it still hurt badly.

He used the flash beacon once again, and saw Foxy hiding in the corner of the auditorium, and not only that, but also the door to the parts and safety room. Finally, I'm here! Just need to get inside, close the door, and get through all of torture a second time. Thankfully, William was able to find the door handle in the dark, twist it, and enter through to the parts and service room without Foxy tailing him. I'm going to hate going back through that. He didn't think about it too hard because he was just thankful to have reached the room, and that Foxy didn't injure him too severely.