As William carefully closed the door to the room, he could hear the motion trigger alarm go off again. "Motion trigger: Parts and Service." Let's see what we have to do today. I just hope it's safer than rebooting the interface was. He put his flash beacon back in his pocket and pulled out his flashlight, now that it was safe to use, and because there was hardly any light in this room either. These people really need to fix the lighting down here. The Hand-Unit started giving him his instructions for the night.
"Great job reaching Parts & Service. It seems that Funtime Freddy is out of power, which should make your job much easier. There is a release switch for the chest cavity that is located on the underside of the endoskeleton jaw. To reach it, we will first need to open the face plates. You will need to press the face plate release triggers in a specific order, and it's important to be as precise and as careful as possible. Locate the small button on Freddy's face, just under his right cheek, and press it."
This seems simple enough, he thought. He was happy that at least he didn't have to deal with Freddy while having power. When he turned on his flashlight, though, the sinking feeling of danger returned once again. Funtime Freddy was out of power, yes, but it looked like his jaws had several blood prints all over, with a few more dried blood drops on his chest cavity. Guess I know what those 'unforseen malfunctions' were now. I'm not putting my hand in that thing's mouth. Odds are it's jaws would crush my hand completely. He also noticed that Bon-Bon, still attached to Freddy's hand, seemed to be out of power, too. I don't know if this little guy's gonna be much help for me today.
"Apologies for not mentioning Funtime Freddy's sanitary condition after the incident. Our janitors would've normally taken care of it, but they refused to go anywhere near Funtime Freddy unless they were sure his power module was removed."
God, how have these guys not gotten their asses sued off yet? First I hear about missing children and now there's employee dismemberment? How many other secrets is this place holding, anyway? Probably plenty of them, I'm sure. Let's just get this over with already.
He gently skimmed over Funtime Freddy's right cheek, being careful not to touch any of the bloodprints or getting his hand too close to the jaws. The Hand-Unit said there was some kind of button underneath here, it has to be somewhere. Right underneath his small pink cheek was a tiny button, near the top half of Freddy's jaws. He pressed the little button carefully. The button was now glowing light blue. As soon as this happened, the Hand-Unit continued giving out instructions.
"Great! Now locate the button under his left cheek and press it."
William did the same thing with Freddy's left cheek as with the right cheek, and found another button in a similar place as the right button. He pressed it, and it glowed light blue.
"Great! Now carefully locate and press the button next to Freddy's right eye."
William made sure to take his time with this one, skimming over Freddy's face to feel where the button was. He carefully skimmed it until he came across a small, white button, near Freddy's right eye. He pressed it.
"Great! Now carefully locate and press the button next just above Freddy's nose."
William took a look at Freddy's nose, trying to find any sign of a button. I know it's here somewhere, I just have to keep looking. After careful examination, he was able to find a little button just barely above Freddy's nose, right below his left eye. This must be the button, I guess. He pressed the button. Immediately, Freddy's faceplates reacted, opening up as quick as lighting at the exact moment William pressed the button. He pulled his hand back, completely shocked. "Holy shit!", he cried out, afraid that he did something wrong. But Freddy still stood as motionless as before, only now his endoskeleton was revealed. Looks like I did it correctly.
I'm going to have a heart-attack if this keeps going at this rate. Seeing Freddy's faceplates open up like that, and so quickly scared the living daylights out of him. He was curious at how Freddy looked like without his faceplate on. His endoskeleton seemed to be made of many metal wires, bolts, and many other materials that composed his face. His teeth and blue eyes seemed to be popping out without the faceplate on. It really creeped William out.
"Good job. The face plates should now be open. Locate and press the small button on the underside of Freddy's endoskeleton jaw."
It's called an endoskeleton, huh? Interesting, he thought. He was quite fascinated by how Freddy's endoskeleton design worked. Definetely did not expect this. He tried skimming underneath the bottom of the jaw, to see if the button might be there. He couldn't feel any bumps or signs of any button there, until something caught his eye. Underneath the endoskeleton's jaw, near the back of the faceplates, was a button even smaller than before. William gently reached his hand underneath the jaws and pressed the little button. Once he pressed it, Freddy's chest-plate plating opened up, about as fast as the face-plating did. He wasn't too terrified of this because it just wasn't as unexpected as seeing Freddy's face plates come loose, but it still gave him a small shock.
"Excellent. The chest cavity should now be open. Remove the power module from the chest cavity."
William looked around at Freddy's chest, trying to see where this power module was. The endoskeleton's chest seemed to be made of the same materials that the head was made out of. In the middle of the chest was a large circular object, connected by a series of metal wiring around it. Surprisingly, there was also a very small magnet-looking object attached to the circle. He couldn't tell if the small magnet thing was the power module or not, but he could tell that it was blinking red. Hmm, does this help give power to Freddy? Or does it have a different function? I think the magnet thing is the power module. He reached out to carefully remove the tiny power module from the large circle in Freddy's chest, and placed it into his hand. That was actually pretty easy.
"Great work. You will now be required to remove the secondary power module from the Bon-Bon hand puppet. Press the large, black button beneath Bon-Bon's bow tie to release the power module."
Huh, what do you know? We're already into our third night and surprisingly it's been less dangerous than yesterday. Time to take out Bon-Bon's module now. He took his flashlight to check Freddy's hand where Bon-Bon was, but when looked at it, there was no Bon-Bon. Where the hand puppet supposedly replaced Freddy's hand was disconnected. Wait, how the hell did he move so fast, and so quiet? I didn't hear a single peep out of the little guy. I certainely don't need any more problems tonight, and this is starting to get out of hand, pardoning the pun.
He looked around to see where Bon-Bon was hiding. There wasn't any sign of him until William looked at Freddy's right shoulder, where the little hand puppet's hand were holding onto. His head popped out, giggling, and seemingly taunting William.
"Catch me if you can! He he he he!"
Bon-Bon hid behind Funtime Freddy again, and continued his obnoxious giggling. Great, so it's a game of cat and mouse now, isn't it? He continued using his flashlight to see where Bon-Bon was hiding, and every time he found Bon-Bon, the hand puppet would hide right back. Come on, Bugs Bunny, stay put already. This annoying game would keep on going for around fifteen times until Bon-Bon decided he had enough of playing around. When William wasn't looking, Bon-Bon used the opportunity to pounch on him by surprise. He jumped and landed straight on William's face, knocking them both down to the floor.
By the time William got to his senses, he realized that the hand puppet was trying to bite at his face. The little guy almost bite at his nose, until William got the upper hand and grabbed Bon-Bon by the chest. He remembered that he needed to press the little black button underneath the red tie to deactivate Bon-Bon. Luckily, he is able to press it before Bon-Bon tried to bite his hand, which could've gone very wrong. The hand puppet immediately powered down, and his chest cavity plating opened up to show its endoskeleton. William extracted the power module from Bon-Bon's chest and tossed him in the corner of the room. Now stay down, you little prick. I take back everything I said about you last night.
"Great work. You've acquired both power modules. This completes your tasks for the night. Please exit the building through the Funtime Auditorium, and we'll see you back here again tomorrow."
Finally, as if I thought this job couldn't be more stressful. Now I have to move back through the dark all over again. This is pure torture--. William's train of thought was interrupted when he noticed something wrong with Funtime Freddy's endoskeleton. In his chest cavity, near his stomach area, was some kind of random gap inbetween. It didn't seem to make much sense, so he thought it would be best to see if anything was wrong with Freddy. Besides, his power module has been removed, so I'm pretty sure he won't attack me again.
As he tried getting closer to Funtime Freddy, he noticed that Freddy's eyes turned over to black, like a shark's eyes. The hell? What is this supposed to be-. When he got close enough, a gigantic claw-like tool shot directly out of Freddy's stomach, even faster than when his faceplates opened up. William jumped to the left side of the room to avoid the claw from grabbing him, and if he had wasted just another second, the claw would've gotten to him. It seemed to be attached to a long, expendable metal chord, and this claw looked like that you find in a skill crane, but this one looked much sharper and sturdier. It didn't look like it could get ahold of too much, but it certainely looked like it could leave a nasty mark.
I'm glad I got of the way in time. What the hell is this even for? Why design a kid's animatronic to release a deadly claw of all things? Dave, I don't know what or why this claw was installed, but it clearly looks dangerous. I really need to talk to him again about this claw thing later. Right now I need to focus on going back through the Funtime Auditorium without getting killed.