Okay, that was close. Definitely don't want to get near that claw again. Well, today was at least slightly less stressful than last night, but not by much. Now I just need to past Funtime Foxy again, hopefully without her clawing my arm again, or worse. Those jaws looked like they could do some damage. I should probably stop thinking about this or I'm going to get even more paranoid. He turned off his flashlight, put it back in his pocket, and pulled out his flash beacon, preparing to go through the Funtime Auditorium once again. Let's just do another practice, just to be sure. He used the flash beacon while still inside Parts and Service to re-memorize how long it took to cool down, just to be safe.
Ok, eight seconds of cool-down. Make sure to time this right. He opened the door to the Parts and Service room and exited it, and slowly closed the door when entered the Funtime Auditorium. He didn't want Funtime Foxy hearing anything. The room was still as pitch black as before, and the only sound that could be heard now was the air conditioning. Time to start moving.
He had the flash beacon in his hands, ready to use it if he heard Foxy coming anywhere near him. The first few steps he took were pretty normal: not a peep could be heard yet, not even a mouse-. William then bumped into one of the tables again, and was shook. That's what I get for not mapping out the area around me.
He used the flash beacon to get a better look at his surroundings, and for a brief second, he could see the arrangement of the decorated tables, and the gap between them that lead to the exit vent to the primary control module. Strangely enough, though, there was no sign of Funtime Foxy near him. Not that he was complaining, but he still didn't hear any sign of her anywhere, and it was starting to make him very suspicious.
Maybe she's hiding underneath one of these tables and waiting to attack when I'm off-guard? No, that doesn't make sense. Last time I came in, she instantly started following me around. Now it's like she's not even here. He kept walking along, making sure to keep his ears opened for any sounds. When he started calming down, he began to hear some odd footsteps coming from the left side of the room. It was odd because these footsteps didn't sound like the ones he heard when he first went through here. Foxy's normal footsteps sounded a bit like a quiet metal clank, but these footsteps didn't sound like that at all. They rather sounded like that of shoes, like a person was walking around. I'm not taking any chances. Foxy is probably getting closer to me, he thought. Being anxious that she was around the corner, he used his flash beacon again.
He didn't see anything unusual so far. There wasn't anyone near the tables, or near him, and still no sign of Foxy. He could still see the exit vent at the end of the room, and for a very brief moment, he could see something else near the right corner. He couldn't get a good look at it because the flash beacon's light was too brief, but it looked metallic and shiny. That wasn't there when I first came in. This is something different, but what? I need to check this out. I also better keep my guard up in case Foxy tries anything else.
He walked over to whatever this strange object was, which was still a good distance away from him. As he was walking, though, he could hear the odd footsteps again, coming from behind him. That must be her. He turned around and used the flash beacon again, but he still saw nothing out of the ordinary. The tables still looked normal, and no sign of Foxy anywhere. Alright, I know I've seen a lot of crazy things at this job in the past three days, but this is just weird.
He was getting even more anxious now. As if this couldn't get more stressful. He kept walking towards the strange object lying on the floor, unsure of what it was. How much further away is this thing? After carefully walking for around thirty seconds, he felt his shoe bump into something hard. Is this it? What even is this thing? He was sure that this was whatever he was looking for, so he used the flash beacon once again.
What he saw, however, gave him the chills, as he briefly saw Funtime Foxy deactivated, lying on the floor, not moving even an inch. She was as stiff as stone, and looked like she was out of power. Wait a minute, if she didn't make those footsteps I heard back there, then who the hell did? His heart started pounding faster as soon as he realized this. There is something else in here? He quickly backed up away from Foxy and waited for the flash beacon to cool down. As he did this, he could hear the footsteps from before becoming much louder and faster paced, like it was running. Oh my God, please hurry up! At the last moment, the flash beacon finished cooling down before William used it again, and saw who was making those footsteps before.
This time, he didn't see an animatronic at all, but rather a man. He was wearing some kind of grey security outfit, but his face is what terrified William the most. The tall man was wearing what seemed to be a purple, woolen facemask, while also wearing a weird set of goggles, and was holding a very sharp syringe in his left hand. Luckily, the flash beacon's light momentarily threw the masked man off balance, giving William some time to escape. Who the hell is that? And how did he get past Funtime Foxy? He had many more questions that he couldn't care less about because now he was just trying to get away.
He realized he was dealing with something much more sinister than he first thought, as he panicked and tried to reach for his flashlight so he could find the exit vent. Sure, it might give away his position, but it's better than being stuck in the dark with no way to see. However, it did not matter, as he could feel the masked man get ahold of him. He tried fighting back, but the masked man had him in a headlock position, and William could feel something long and sharp being placed in his neck. It pinched, and after a few moments, the man let go of William, and let him fall onto the floor.
William started feeling very delirious, like he the world around him kept spinning and twisting. He could see a dim light, coming from the flashlight the man in front of him turned on. William had no clue what the man wanted from him, so he started talking.
"Ugh...what did you inject me with?"
"Don't worry. It's not fatal. It's only meant to keep you asleep for the next couple of hours. You'll be fine for now. Oh, if you're wondering about the goggles, they have night vision. Made it much easier for me to find you and Funtime Foxy."
"Wait, who are you? And what do you want from-"
As William tried to keep up, he started losing consciousness, as the world around him started to swivel again, and again, and again, until it started to turn to black. The last thing William saw that night was the look of the man in the purple mask.