I need to find somewhere to put this guy. I'm going to also need some rope or something to keep him in one place. There's no way I'm letting him escape me. Not without answering a few of my questions. But before I do any of that, I should probably take away his gun, and any other weapons he might have on him.
William reached into the masked man's pocket and carefully pulled out his silencer, holding it in his hands. This actually looks like a pretty sweet gun. For all this guy's flaws, he certainly has good taste weapons. He also made sure to take away his taser. If I come across any more animatronics tonight, this thing is going to be pretty useful to me.
First, he had to find a good place to interrogate the man. I could go for the secret room, but I don't think there's anything I can use to tie him up in there. Maybe there's some rope or something else in the parts and service room. I should check there. Before he decided to check things out, he wondered if there was anything he could do with Funtime Freddy's deactivated body, still lying on the ground.
Well, I remember two nights ago that some kind of claw came out of his stomach and tried to grab me. That's definitely a question I want an answer to. The only I have is finding a way to move his heavy metal ass all the way down to parts and service. But he decided that interrogating the man was the more important task at hand, and that if he had some time left over, he could try to move Funtime Freddy.
Alright, I better check how long this guy's going to stay knocked out for. He wasn't sure how hard Funtime Freddy threw the man against the wall, but it certainly looked like he threw him hard enough. William was no expert in head injuries, so he didn't know how long this guy would stay unconscious for. He checked the man's pulse, and it seemed to be going at a steady pace. So aside from being unconscious and some slight head injury, he should be fine.
He began dragging the man across the floor, grabbing his arms and pulling him along. He wasn't too heavy, but it would probably still take a good amount of time for him to reach the parts and service at this rate. Once I get there, I need to find something I can tie this man up against. I could just tie his arms and legs together...eh, maybe not. He looked around, hoping to find anything that could be useful to him, and he noticed that there were several chairs lying on the floor, probably due to Funtime Freddy angrily knocking over the tables earlier.
Well, one of those chairs should be enough. He stopped dragging the man and decided to take the nearest chair to him. It was a light, simple wooden chair, with a small logo of Circus Baby World on the seat. Nothing too special. He carried it along with him, and set it down against the wall because it was much easier to carry than the masked man, so he might as well safe the easiest task for last. He continued to drag the man to the parts and service room.
When he got to the entrance door, he twisted the handle and slowly entered the room, still dragging the man by his arms. Just need to find a place to set him down for now and we can get started. There wasn't a lot of space in the parts and service room, but there was enough to lie the man down on the ground. Okay, I've got him where I want him, check.
Now to find something to tie him up with. He looked around the room to see if there was any rope or chains he could use to tie the man up with. There were a few desk drawers in the room with him, but most of them contained spare parts or tools for the animatronics. After searching for a while, he finally found a decent supply of rope near the bottom cabinet in one of the desks.
I guess I know how those two technicians were hanging dead from the ceiling. Somebody must've used the ropes in here to hang them from the stages. But I didn't see any ladders on the Funtime stage last I checked. No one could've gone that high without using a ladder. Not that it's going to be useful to me right now. Might as well make use of this. He pulled the long line of rope out of the cabinet and started measuring his options. I can tie his legs to the bottom stools of the chair, and tie his arms and torso to the back of the chair. Only problem is that I'm not expert in tight knots. Perhaps I could double or triple knot the rope, to make it harder to break free. That might work.
He went back into the Funtime Auditorium to get that chair he left behind. As he got there, though, he figured he could also try to somehow move Funtime Freddy's into the parts and service room, too. Might as well just set the chair near the room door and I can get back to Funtime Freddy. He did just that, and prepared to push Funtime Freddy all the way to the room. He was still pretty far from the room, so getting his body there would take much more time and patience than with the masked man.
Since Funtime Freddy is an animatronic, and his endoskeleton is mostly made of metal, he weighed much more than William thought at first. In fact, William could barely push him. It felt like Freddy weighed over three hundred pounds. So it was going to take a very long time to move him all of the way.
After what seemed like twenty minutes, William finally reached the parts and service room and pushed Funtime Freddy's body inside, putting him against the side of the wall. His face-plating was jammed, so it was still open, and that meant his chest cavity could be removed. Let's see, I just have to remember what my Hand-Unit told me last time. There was some button behind, uh...Freddy's jaw, I believed? Or was it near the back of his head? No, I think it was behind the jaw.
He gently combed underneath Freddy's jaw until he felt a little button. He pressed it, and Freddy's chest plating opened up, revealing that his power module was still in his chest. I don't understand. Just a few nights ago I took this out of him, but now they put it back? Better safe than sorry, I suppose. He carefully removed the power module, in case Funtime Freddy would reanimate and come back at him a second time.
Okay, so now that's done. All I need to do now is tie this man to this chair and I can begin the interrogation shortly. He brought the chair inside the room and placed it near the conveyer, and tried to place the man onto the chair in sitting position. It wasn't easy, but he managed to do it. That's done, now to tie him up. He took out the long line of rope and began estimating how much he would need for this. He also decided to get that axe out of Funtime Freddy's forehead because he couldn't reach the hunting knife lodged behind Freddy's head, so he had to go with the next best thing.
Using an axe for cutting rope? Seems a little like overkill, but it will do. Once he wrapped the rope around the man's legs, torso and arms a few times, just to make sure how long the measurements needed to be, he started chopping the rope. It was thicker than he first thought, but in that case, it would also be harder for the man to escape. When that was done, he began wrapping one piece of the rope around the man's legs, making sure to make it as tight as necessary before triple knotting it. I don't know many knot techniques, but I guess I'm going with this.
Next he made sure to wrap the other piece of rope around the man's torso, arms, and the back of the chair. He used the same knot technique from before, and made sure that it was tight enough. Alright, looks like that should hold him for now. He's still unconscious, so I think I'll have a couple minutes before he wakes up. Now to find out who you really are.
William made sure to slowly remove the purple face mask. Once it came off completely, he couldn't recognize the face of the man behind that mask. Or at least at first. The dark, brown, curly hair and his eyes reminded him of someone he bumped into a few days ago, but this man didn't have the goatee like William remembered him having. Must've shaved it off. Regardless, after a few moments, he could recognize the man who was behind the mask. The one man who his boss warned him about. Is that...you, Dave?
This didn't come to a complete surprise to William at first, given that he heard that Dave was a bit shifty and that he was a lead suspect in that children's death incident, but there were still many things he didn't understand. Why would Dave try to kidnap me, stuff me inside of a death suit and then try to kill me tonight? I literally met the man two days ago! I didn't do anything to make him angry, or at least that I know of. I don't even know why he has his own little private room, with those weapons or those extra Circus Baby model suits. This doesn't make any sense to me.
Outside from the many questions floating through William's head, he did notice that there seemed to be something quite wrong with Dave. He seemed very pale, his skin almost being sallow. It was as if the Dave he met two days ago had been stripped away, and the man that sat before him now was practically a blank canvas. Like he was a completely different person. There also seemed to be a large scar across his forehead.
Aside from Dave's unsettling appearance, William was still trying to come up with any reasons for why Dave would've tried to kidnap and kill him in the first place. I remember Mr. Cunningham told he that he thought there was something deeper going on here, something Dave wasn't letting on about. Mr. Cunningham also told me that the main reason I was hired here was to try and figure out what was causing these animatronics to malfunction. That he wanted an employee hired without Dave finding out about it, but then he found out regardless.
Let's see, what happened next? I told Dave about what I saw on my second night working here. I told him about the animatronics tried to murder me and about how Baby was talking to me. Then he just said to...wait a second. Did he not want me to find out? I mean, he told me I wasn't the first employee Mr. Cunningham hired without him knowing. Maybe he caught on with the act or something.
But why did he start shooting at me tonight? Was he just trying to cover up the dead technician bodies, and thought I saw too much? Because if it weren't for Funtime Freddy showing up, I'm sure he would've killed me where I was standing. Whatever the hell is going on here, he clearly knows something he doesn't want me to know. That claw coming out of Freddy's stomach, those malfunctions, the spring-lock suits, all of those things. If I'm getting to the bottom of this, I need to know the truth. It's time I begin with that interrogation.
He didn't know how much longer it would take for Dave to become conscious again, so he tried looking for anything that could possibly wake him up. Inside that desk he searched before was a large bottle of ammonia, along with a few cotton balls. Ammonia, that's perfect! If I remember correctly, smelling it or inhaling the gas causes some kind of inhalation reflex that can wake someone up. So all I need to do is carefully spill some of it onto one of these cotton balls, uh, then I have to get Dave to inhale it somehow.
Maybe if I gently placed it against his nose, it'll do the trick. He figured that if Dave was breathing through his nose, then placing the cotton ball right underneath it would wake him up. It took a few moments for a reaction to start, but in the blink of an eye, Dave jumped, his eyes wide open.