Let Me Through

Baby? Where is she? He couldn't see her anywhere down the hall. She must be looking for me. But I don't understand it. I know she lied to me about Ballora, but I don't know why she did that. I don't even know what she wants from me. The hallway was still as dimly lit and gloomy as before. While William was still looking out, Helpy was jumping around with fear, exclaiming to him.

"Uh, William? Remember how Lolbit started moving?"

"Who's Lolbit?"

"That's the name of that animatronic we saw on camera seven. The Funtime Foxy look-alike? He's still moving around. Here, check camera three."

Camera three's feed showed Lolbit walking at a slow place, looking up at the bright lightbulb in the room. He didn't seem to mind it much, and was scouting out the room, probably to see if there was anyone in there with him. Then he stared straight into the camera, and dashed off. Surprisingly quick, too. After that, he disappeared from the camera's sight completely, making William much more nervous.

"Where the hell did he go?"

Lolbit wasn't showing up on any of the other security camera feeds. The only animatronics Helpy and William were able to see were a few Minireenas crawling around on camera six. They looked into the camera, but they didn't try breaking it at all. Rather, they looked like they were trying to cover it up completely.

Nothing else unexpected happened for the next five minutes, giving Helpy and William just a little time to prepare for whatever would try to get into the office. I can't go out now. If I do, it will just be eaiser for Lolbit and those Minireenas to kill me. I have to stay here and try to conserve power as best as I can. While both of them were keeping track of the security feeds, something finally came up.

This was something brand new. There was still no trace of Lolbit to be seen, but now a brand new animatronic could be seen horsing around in the kitchen area on camera four. It was very familiar, but there was one key aspect about this animatronic that was different. This animatronic looked like a recolored version of Bon-Bon, except this one was pink and had legs. The camera caught sight of it climbing around the stove and the freezer before the little pink rabbit ran off.

"Helpy, what animatronic was that?"

"The pink one? That's Bonnet. She was made as an extra in case anything went wrong with Bon-Bon, but unlike him, she's equipped with legs."

Okay, she's Bonnet. Better keep my eye on her. So far, things were going pretty smoothly for them. It was already one A.M., which meant they still had to wait another five hours before help arrived. There wasn't too much going on, but William made sure to stay wide awake and focused. You could never know when these things would strike.

Now there was some loud banging that could be heard from the vents. When William checked camera five this time, he could see many more Minireenas crawling down the vent, including a brief glimpse of Lolbit in the very back of the vent. Here they come again. He made sure to slam the red button above him, activating the vent seal and blocking the intruders off. They weren't giving up just yet, as he could hear much louder banging coming from the vent now. According to the feed, Lolbit was banging on the vent seal with his hook-hand, which didn't do much to break in.

After a few minutes, Lolbit gave up, moving back into the dark depths of the vents, but the Minireenas were persistent. They were still there, trying to open the seal. While all of this was happening, though, Helpy suddenly saw something on camera two that caught his eye. Bonnet was running down the hallway as fast as her legs could carry her, and he immediately warned William.

"Stop! Bonnet's making a bee line to the office! Hurry, close the right door now! I can't reach it!"

William took his eyes off of the security monitors and rushed towards the right doorway, but Bonnet arrived before he could get a chance to press the button. She pounced like lightning at William's chest, trying to knock him down, but he learned from his experience with Bon-Bon. He was able to firmly stand his ground, and was able to grab Bonnet while she tried to climb on him. Afraid that she would bite his hand, he tried throwing her out the door, but because she moved around too much, messing up the throw. Instead, Bonnet went flying into the office wall.

She seemed to be unresponsive for a few moments before she got back on her feet. She was now aggressively yelling at him, but her voice sounded too adorable to be taken seriously.

"You just tossed me like a frisbee, you jerk! Get back here!"

She began running towards him, but she didn't get very far. Helpy was able to tackle Bonnet, knocking her down to the floor. He tried holding her down, but she was very agile, and shoved Helpy back. For the next few minutes both Helpy and Bonnet were like two puppies in a dog park fighting over who would get the last dog treat. The madness finally ended when Helpy got the best of her, and firmly held her by the arms. They started arguing back and forth at each other.

"Let me go, you oversized teddy bear!"

"Just stay quiet already, Bugs Bunny! Don't worry, William, I've got her. You just make sure that nothing else tries to get in."

It was hard for William to concentrate while listening to Bonnet and Helpy fighting back and forth. Things were hard enough with Lolbit and the Minireenas trying to get in, and that annoying squabbling only made things worse. Oh my God, could you two please shut up already?! His nerves were practically fried at this point. I am this close to breaking that stupid rabbit to pieces! But luckily he was still able to maintain focus on checking the security feeds.

Fortunately, camera five didn't show any of the Minireenas near the vents anymore, so it was safe to reopen the vent seal. Alright, I don't see them on the cameras anywhere so far. On camera seven, though, Lolbit could be seen walking just outside of his stage, but it didn't look like he was keen on returning to it. Instead, he walked around in a few circles, observing his surroundings, and left the room, disappearing from the feed's sight.

The next few minutes that passed were quite peaceful, other than the fact that Helpy and Bonnet were still arguing like little children. Other than that, though, there wasn't any sign of the animatronics getting near the office in a while. Rather kind of comforting, to be honest. He checked the clock on the wall to see how long it had been so far. The time was currently 1:35 A.M. Okay, so far, so good. We've already been in here for an hour and a half and nothing too bad has happened. Just need to stick through this for three and a half more hours and help will be on the way.

His sense of calmness quickly died down once he heard a very brief, gently voice echoing from the left door hallway.

"Why didn't you trust me? Why didn't you believe me, William?"

That's the same voice from earlier. I know that pretty, relaxing voice from anywhere. It's Baby. What was even creepier was that there was no sign of her on camera two or four so far, but he knew she must be close by. I just can't see her yet. She's out there. I need to keep looking. He wasn't exactly sure of why Baby was here, either. He could briefly recall that Funtime Freddy mentioned something about her sending him to abduct him, but he hadn't the faintest idea why. Nor did he have a clue of what she wanted from him.

What is she hiding from me? I know she must have a reason, but I don't understand it. He kept searching the feeds, hoping to get a glimpse of where Baby was, but there was nothing coming up. Not even Lolbit was visible anymore. He thought he was beginning to lose his mind, that maybe he was just hearing things. Wait, did Helpy hear it, too? If he heard it, then I know I'm not going insane. As he was about to ask Helpy, he was interrupted by Baby's echoing voice again.

"William, can you hear me? If you can, please, listen to me. I know you have every reason not to trust me, but I am serious. If he finds you, he will do all sorts of horrible things to you. He's more powerful than you think. But if I can find you before he does, I can keep you safe with me."

Everyone in the security office, including Bonnet, went silent as soon as Baby started talking.

"Uh...what was that?", Helpy asked.

He heard it, too? Then I guess I'm not crazy after all. William didn't know what to make of Baby's words. He still didn't trust her after she lied to him about Ballora, but for some reason, he felt like she was being sincere, not so much about keeping him safe, but about whoever this "he" that she mentioned was. It can't be Lolbit. I mean, he looks like he could do some damage, but he doesn't seem that dangerous. Or is it someone else? But who could it be, then?

He tried looking on the camera feeds again, and there was still no sign of Lolbit. However, there was something on camera four that caught William's eye. In the kitchen area, he could see Circus Baby walking around, searching the room for something. It looked like she was looking for him, or maybe just checking to see if he was hiding anywhere in the kitchen area. Whatever she was doing, it was very suspicious. But when he got a good look at her, he noticed that there was something vastly different about her.

She wasn't in her normal suit. Instead, she seemed to be wearing the third suit model he saw in Dave's private room. The one that looked like a teenage girl. There was something about this suit that just left William in awe.

This suit appeared to be much more humanoid-looking, as if she looked almost exactly like a human being. Her new suit appeared elegant and feminine, much slimmer than her original suit. Her face seemed to be exquisitely sculpted, simply stunning. Her arms and legs, although mechanical, were very well detailed and designed.

She had several of the main features from the original suit, too. Her face was still pale, she had rosy cheeks, red lips, the same bright green eyes, with long, black eyelashes and vibrant blue eyebrows. Her blood orange hair was tied into two, silky pigtails. She was wearing a frilly red crop top with a matching, long red skirt, that seemed to be slightly revealing. She walked gracefully, yet mechanically. Her overall appearance was dominated by sleek and controlled beauty.

Then, the feed showed that she began speaking while still searching the kitchen. Surprisingly, William didn't know that the feeds could pick up audio.

"Sometimes I don't understand why people do the things that they do. Especially why you didn't put your trust in me, William. I know that I lied to you, but please, I'm serious right now. I know I'm asking for a lot, but I just need you to trust me with this. You don't want him to find you. I can get you to safety, but only if I can find you first. If you're listening to me, can you at least give me some kind of sign?"

She sounded much more worried than usual. He wanted to believe her, but there was something in the back of his mind telling him not to. It could all just be a facade. But that's a risk I'm not willing to take. After a few moments, she continued talking.

"Please, William, I don't want to see you in any pain. You still don't trust me, do you? Is it me? Are you still hurt over before, or is this something else? I thought you liked me, William. I was starting to like you. I care about you. So please, let me help you before it's too late!"

Baby sounded like she really did mean what she was saying. Though William still doubted her, he felt like she was telling the truth to him. Is this really how she feels? He didn't get too much time to think about this because a brand new problem appeared. While he was distracted by Baby's voice, he didn't notice that something very fast rushed by on camera three, in the left hallway. It was at this point both William and Helpy could hear some very loud and quickly paced footsteps coming from the left side, and as he tried checking camera one, he saw Lolbit rushing down the hall, almost to the office.

He tried to press the left door button, but Lolbit got to them first. He entered inside before William even had a chance to close the door, and swung his hook hand at him. The animatronic swung it a bit too hard, though, as William's quick reflexes allowed him to dodge the hook, and Lolbit's hook hand ended up lodged in one of the house monitors. Helpy, struggling to hold back Bonnet, cried out to William.

"Get out of here now! While you still have a chance!"

He didn't have to tell William twice. The only way William could run now was through the right doorway, so he did just that. Lolbit took a few moments to get his hook hand out of the monitor before he continued chasing him. Right before William ran out the doorway, he made sure to press the red button, making sure he had enough time to get out before the door came down on him. Luckily, he timed it perfectly, and he could hear a loud thump moments later, probably the sound of Lolbit running into the door.

I need to keep running. I'm pretty sure he's going to figure out how to open that door sooner or later. Need to use this distraction as best as I can. William started running down the hall as fast as he could. The lights were very dim in the hallway, so he couldn't see too well, and it made him slightly more terrified than he already was. He got around a good ten-foot head start before Lolbit opened the security door and spotted him. Before Lolbit took off, he said something in a loud, booming voice, the kind you would hear on an announcer radio.

"There was never enough room on this stage for both of us!"

William didn't look behind while he was running away, but he could hear Lolbit charging behind him like a rhino. It was truly a horrifying experience for him. I need to hide somewhere! He tried looking around the hallway as he ran, coming across a large door to a room on his right. He thought about going inside at first, but then he realized that Lolbit was getting dangerously close to him now. So he did what his instincts told him to do: just keep running.

Along with the dim lights, the walls around him were covered in a grayish plaster, the floors still colored in checkered-styled titles. For some reason, all of these features made this experience for him much more worse. I can't run from him forever. There's got to be some place to hide. Up ahead of him, he could see an open door, leading to an unknown room that he couldn't see too much. There's my chance! I just have to make it there, shut the door behind me fast enough and keep this guy away from me for a little while. I don't know if it'll work, but it's a risk I'm willing to take.

Lolbit's stomping only got louder, and William was starting to run out of breath. Only a little more and I'm safe! Come on! Come on! The pressure was intense, as he could feel his blood rush throughout his veins. After what felt like forever, he finally arrived at the door, trying to shut it behind him as fast as he could. But Lolbit was right on his tail. The moment William tried to shut the door, Lolbit's hook arm got caught in between it.

Oh shit. Come on, get out of here already! He pressed back against the door to avoid Lolbit from coming in, but he could feel that Lolbit was trying to push from the other side, too. He struggled with his grip, trying to stand his ground. In a few moments, though, Lolbit overpowered William's grip, and shoved the door open so hard that it slammed William directly in the face at full speed. He fell to the ground, completely shocked and in pain.

Damn it! His face was fueled with pain all over, trying his best to ignore it while he got back up. Lolbit stormed inside the room, staring at William dead in his eyes. There was something in particular about Lolbit's eyes that made him scared. Unlike the other animatronics, who had glassy, colorful eyes, Lolbit's eyes were practically non-existent. The only thing that could be seen out of his eyelids were two silver dots, surrounded by darkness. Those silver eyes...

William looked around, and he realized he was now in Lolbit's stage room, the dead giveaway being that he could see the same purple, star-decorated stage curtains that he saw on the camera earlier. He got up just in time, but soon realized he was cornered in this room, with nowhere else to go. If he was getting out of here, he would have to get past Lolbit, and it didn't look like he was keen on letting William leave so soon.

He backed up very quickly as Lolbit approached him. If I hadn't left my taser in the office, I could defend myself! Besides, Dave's handgun isn't going to do much to Lolbit, anyway. It barely dented Funtime Freddy's suit, and I doubt it's going to affect him. He was now near the back of the wall, where there was a convenient steel pipe lying on the ground. I don't know if this can help me much, but I don't know how many bullets are left in the handgun. Whatever, I'll take it! He reached for the long steel pipe and kept both hands on it, holding it like a bat.

For some reason, Lolbit didn't seem to be as determined to kill William as before. While he chased him through the hallway before, now he was just slowly walking towards him. I just need to get a good hit on him, maybe even knock him down for a moment, and run out of the door! This isn't going to go well, I bet. Let's just get this over with already.

He made the first move and swung the pipe firmly at Lolbit's head, causing a huge clank noise. For a moment, Lolbit flinched, but he immediately lashed out at William. He tried to hit him with the pipe again, but Lolbit's left hand grabbed the end of the pipe before the blow could be made. Then, he lashed out his hook-hand at William's face. He tried to back his head up, but the sharp, steel hook was still able to give him a nasty scratch across his left cheek. It stung, but it wasn't nearly as painful as when the door was slammed right into his face. The fortunate thing was that it didn't seem too severe, as the hook didn't dig very deep into his skin.

Desperate to regain control, William, still holding onto the pipe, tried to maintain his stance, but was violently shoved against the wall by Lolbit. He tried fighting back, but Lolbit's strength was too much for him to handle. Then, as Lolbit had him pinned, he opened his wide jaws, showing a long row of sharp razor-like teeth, aiming for William's head. In a state of pure terror, William was able to move his head out of Lolbit's jaws just in time, but at a heavy cost.

He could now feel an intensely painful feeling coming from his right shoulder, like dozens of mini knifes were being driven into his skin. He could feel Lolbit's teeth sinking into his shoulder, and the bite pressure from his jaws only made the pain worse. William screamed out in pain. Christ, this hurts so much! The painful feeling continued for a few moments, and it only slightly decreased once Lolbit's jaws let go of William's shoulder.

While he was in agony, he could now see Lolbit towering over him, his teeth covered in his own blood. Those teeth left several nasty teeth marks, and now the wound was bleeding heavily, his uniform slowly soaking with blood. Lolbit seemed to be rather enjoying it. The fox lifted its hook-hand up once more, determined to kill off William for good, but both of them froze immediately once they heard a voice speaking to them from behind.

"Get away from him! Now!"

Lolbit slowly turned around to see who was there, and when he saw who it was, he quivered with fear. William already recognized the voice, but he was still surprised that she came to help him. Right at the door was Baby, standing her ground, looking more aggressive than William had ever seen before.