There was something about the look in Baby's eyes that terrified William, even though she wasn't looking at him. She was practically giving Lolbit the death stare, her facial expression being much more hostile than he ever saw before. Whatever cute little girl William knew before, looked like she disappeared. He never pictured Baby like this. Despite her new suit's remarkable appearance, she still terrified both Lolbit and William. Her tone when she gave that warning to Lolbit was very serious, and it looked like she was determined to defend William, no matter the cost.
Lolbit slowly backed away from William, still lying on the ground in terrible pain, not trying to make any sudden movements. The fox animatronic seemed like he was doing what Baby said, but as he backed up far enough, he moved his hook-hand in a different position than before. Now it seemed like he was preparing to attack, or quite possibly defend himself. William thought that Lolbit was probably unsure whether or not Baby would attack him even if he did cooperate, and he could see that the fox was incredibly cautious now.
Baby still stood firm near the door, her death stare still focused on Lolbit. He was around seven feet away from William now, but for some reason, it seemed like he started panicking. The animatronic made several weird noises, most of which sounded like those in frustration and fear. Then Baby took a step forward, warning Lolbit again in a stern but slightly calmer tone.
"I said, get away from him. Now."
This only made Lolbit more insecure, as it seemed like he felt provoked, like a cornered wild animal. The animatronic soon became so frustrated that he roared, preparing his hook-hand to strike at Baby. It seemed like he did it out of frustration, like it was a fight or flight situation for him. He prepared his attack stance for a few seconds and charged at Baby, swinging his hook-hand at her, but he didn't get very far.
Lolbit underestimated Baby's abilities. While she didn't look too menacing, she was surprisingly strong and fast. Lolbit immediately learned this once Baby grabbed at his hook-hand's arm with only her left arm, and then, she began twisting it. He was in absolute shock as she was beginning to dislocate his arm. Then he tried punching her in the face with his good hand, but she dodged the blow almost immediately. While Lolbit was off-balance, Baby let go of his hook-hand and pushed him so hard that he fell back onto the ground with a loud bang.
This was mainly because, unlike Funtime Freddy's bulky form, Lolbit was slimmer, and he wasn't as strong as Freddy. He was still faster and more agile than Funtime Freddy, but that wasn't going to do much against Baby.
The fall didn't do much damage to Lolbit. In fact, he was still very much intact, but as he tried to get back up, Baby was already standing on top of him. Moving around didn't help him because Baby weighed him down too much. In a desperate move, he tried swinging his hook-hand at Baby's left leg, and gave her knee a small scratch. It wasn't painful to her or anything, but as soon as she looked down at her left knee and saw that scratch, something inside of her just snapped.
Her terrifying stare returned, only now she seemed a bit more sinister than before. Sadistic, to be precise. Lolbit's fear returned once he felt Baby's left foot come down on his hook-arm. She held it firmly in place, with no intention of letting go. Then she grabbed at the bottom half of the hook-hand, the part keeping it attached to his arm, and started pulling at it. Lolbit tried pulling back, but Baby's grip was too strong, and in a few moments, she pulled his hook-hand off of his arm.
It wasn't painful for him since the hook hand wasn't connected by wires or gears. The hook was attached to Lolbit's arm the same way Bon-Bon was attached to Funtime Freddy's arm: they were designed to fit on their arms, but they weren't permanently attached to each other. Nevertheless, Lolbit finally regained some strength to push Baby off of him by shoving her legs off of his chest. Baby fell back onto the floor, but it was barely an inconvenience for her.
Lolbit tried to use this opportunity to pin Baby down while she was lying on the ground, but he had to get back up first. If it wasn't for this, he probably would've been able to do it, but he unknowingly gave Baby just enough time to stand up again. So this time, when he tried charging, he decided to use his strong jaws instead, hoping to get ahold of Baby's arm, but he didn't seem to remember what happened the last time he tried charging at her. That would've come in handy, because now he was going to pay for it.
While Lolbit tried charging a second time, Baby was already holding his hook-hand in her left hand, and like a bull-fighter, she moved out of Lolbit's way and dodged his attack. Then, in an instant, she came in for the attack, and crammed the sharp end of the hook-hand directly into Lolbit's left eye. And she went all the way with this, shoving the sharp hook right down the fox's eye socket. Lolbit then shrieked in pain, backing away from Baby much quicker than before, desperately attempting to remove the hook-hand from his left optic.
William, still lying on the back of the wall, watched all of this, but that last part made him frightened. As if the creepy death stare she gave to Lolbit before wasn't enough, seeing her shove a hook down Lolbit's eye scared him. It was like watching an entirely different Baby. Sure, last night she did seem a bit more sadistic and creepy than usual, but tonight she seemed much more violent. I know that stupid fox got what he deserved, but I just...never pictured her doing anything like this.
Baby was now slowly approaching Lolbit again, as he was packed up against the wall, still trying to remove the hook-hand from his eye. He was whimpering, much more frightened than before, and then Baby gave him his final warning, her tone sounding like she had absolute intent on destroying him if he didn't listen.
"If you don't get out of here now, then you are really not going to like what I'm about to do to you next."
This time, Lolbit immediately listened, and limped as he ran out of the room through the open doorway, still whining while he ran away as fast as he could. "Good riddance," she said quietly, now turning her attention to William. She gasped as soon as she saw the deep bite cuts on William's left shoulder, now bleeding much more intensely than before. The angry look in her eyes and in her tone immediately disappeared, as she ran over to him to see if he was okay. She sounded much more caring all of a sudden, almost as if her personality instantly changed.
"Oh my goodness, William, I didn't know he hurt you this bad! That cut on your cheek shouldn't be too bad, but we need to get your shoulder patched up. You're losing blood!"
William, while he was still somewhat terrified of Baby, he was also very grateful that she saved his life, again. She's helped me out so many times that I don't know how long I would've lasted without her. However, he still wanted an explanation from her about why she lied to him, sent Funtime Freddy after him, et cetera. He tried his best to speak to her, but it was hard not to focus on the pain he was in right now.
"Thank you for saving me, Baby. I don't know what I'd do without you. Now would you care to explain to me-"
"Not now, William! We need to stop that bleeding first! Look, I know I have a lot to explain to you, but first I need to make sure you are okay. I'll explain it after we get your shoulder healed. I need to you to gain some strength to walk around. Don't worry, I'll help you."
William did his best to get to his feet, while Baby bent down and tried to hold his right arm around her shoulders, helping him get up. She made sure to gently put her arm around his back, making sure not to touch part of his bite mark. He certainly was impressed that Baby was much stronger than he thought, and was able to regain his balance. They slowly walked out of Lolbit's stage room through the open door to find somewhere to patch up William's wound.
When they re-entered the hallway, there was no sign of Lolbit to be found anywhere. Looks like Baby scared the living daylights out of him. Anyways, they tried looking around for anywhere that they could get to safety.
"We need to find something to apply pressure to your wound, William. I don't know if there might be any clean rags in the kitchen area, but we can start looking there if you want to."
"I'm not sure. Maybe Helpy can tell us if there's some kind of medical kit in here-"
He was interrupted by the sound of loud, high-pitched giggling coming from down the hall, followed by several loud and annoying footsteps, too. It was still dark, so William couldn't get a good look at it first, but soon he saw Bonnet running down the hall, but not at him. She seemed to be running away from something instead. After a few moments, he could see Helpy chasing after her, both of them still arguing like little children, which was at the same time annoying yet adorable.
Bonnet didn't look where she was running, and ended up bumping straight into William's right leg, knocking her down. It was slightly cute, but the little rabbit was not happy with this, and was about to bite at his leg, but Baby gave the rabbit a serious look, not as terrifying as her expression towards Lolbit, but enough to make Bonnet scared, and then spoke to the rabbit.
"Bonnet, no! Do not bite him. William is not our enemy. Now stand down."
She was much more gentle with Bonnet, and the rabbit immediately followed Baby's orders, almost like a puppy that would obey their owner. Baby then patted Bonnet on the head, and then the rabbit hugged William's leg, probably as a way of saying sorry to him. If that was the case, he didn't understand why she couldn't have said it herself, but soon enough Helpy caught up with them, still trying to catch up to Bonnet. Unsure of what would happen next, William made sure to alert Helpy to stop chasing after the pink rabbit.
"Helpy, stop! She's not going to hurt us. Baby told her to stand down. No need to keep running around."
After taking one good look at William, though, Helpy could've cared less about Bonnet now that he saw the bite marks on his left shoulder, the blood partially staining his uniform. He panicked and started speaking out of control.
"Oh no! What happened to you?! This is not good at all. Okay, how bad are you hurt right now? Like, on a scale of one to ten, how bad-"
Baby interrupted him.
"There's no time for that! We need to stop his bleeding, and fast! Do you know if there's a medical kit or something around here?"
Helpy seemed to be calculating her response, and a few moments later he responded.
"Yes. According to my memory logs, there is a first aid kit supplied in the back safe in the security office. The safe requires a security passcode to open it, but I know the code, so opening it won't be a problem. We just need to get him to the office and put him on the ground gently so that we can help him. But I am going to need some help with this. I am programmed with the basic protocol for first aid, but I think my hands are a bit too small and short for the, uh, large wound. I think I can get the scratch on his face without a problem, but I'll need you...", he turned to Baby when he said this, " help out. I'll guide you step by step of what you need to do, so there shouldn't be a problem if all goes right."
"Alright. I understand. But before we do that, we need some extra things to stop the bleeding first. Bonnet, you know where the kitchen area is, right around the corner here? Inside, on the counter, are some clean rags we can use. I remember seeing them when I checked in there. Make sure to get them for us."
Bonnet immediately followed Baby's directions, and ran off to the kitchen room without a second to spare, and the others hurried to the security office. It took a little while longer than usual due to Baby trying to support William, but they made it regardless. Helpy had already beaten them by a long-shot, and was trying to use the correct lock combo on the small, grey safe underneath the desk. He was successful, and opened up the safe door to pull out a large, red bag, clearly the first aid kit.
Baby now had to carefully place William down, gently resting his back against the wall, helping him sit down(This next part is kind of boring, so I won't spend too much time explaining it). Helpy emptied out the red bags contents, grabbing along with him a large bandaid in one hand and a roller bandaid in the other. He was first able to place the large bandaid on the scar on William's face, taking care of that issue, but there was still much more work to do.
Around this time, Bonnet returned to the office, successfully returning with a few clean rags, so now they could apply some pressure to stop the bleeding. Helpy explained before that he was a bit too small for this next part, so Baby took the rags and applied pressure to William's left shoulder, both front and back. They had to remove part of William's uniform in order to properly do this. It still hurt like hell for him. After a good couple minutes, the bleeding was not as severe as before, so Helpy said it was safe to patch the wound up now.
His hands were too small for this, so Baby had to help wrap the roller bandaid around William's left shoulder twice, finally securing the wound. It was no professional medical treatment, but it would do for now(Alright, done with that, now back to the story).
Helpy, once he was done, returned to watching the camera feed monitors, making sure there wasn't anything else coming to them, just in case Lolbit decided to come back for revenge. There didn't seem to be anything suspicious that he could see. Meanwhile, Baby helped William stand up, making sure he was okay.
"That was a close one. I'm just glad that we were able to help you. Does it still hurt?"
"Yeah, it still hurts pretty bad, but not as bad as before. Thank you for helping me, Baby. Not just saving my life, but also for coming back to help me."
"You're welcome. Happy to help."
Baby smiled, and for a moment it warmed William's heart. It was a very nice smile, something he didn't see from Baby before. She truly looked adorable. Then she continued the conversation.
"William, I know that you must have a lot of questions right now, and I don't blame you for it. I lied to you, and...well, I, know that I shouldn't have done that. So I think it is fair that I should at least tell you the truth. And not just about why I lied to you. There has been a lot of information I've been keeping to myself."
"Wait, what are you talking about?"
"I...I, uh...I lied to you before that Ballora part. You know, when I told you I had no idea what happened to those technicians down here tonight. I know exactly what happened tonight: why they were murdered, where the other animatronics are, you get the point. And that's not it. I've also been keeping something deeper from you. It's about me. There is something about me that I've never told you about. Something I have to tell you."
"What? You lied to me before that? What happened down here?"
While a million thoughts raced through William's mind right now, Baby was just about to speak, but Helpy anxiously spoke up first, interrupting her.
"Uh, William? There's something here I think you should see."
Baby and William were confused, so they went over to see what Helpy was talking about. Meanwhile, Bonnet was still running around, without a care in the world. William didn't see what was wrong at first glance. There seemed to be a few Minireenas crawling around in camera three, but that was about it.
"Helpy? I don't know what I'm supposed to be looking at."
"Just wait for it...there! Right there, camera six!"
What came up on camera six was both terrifying and oddly confusing. William didn't recognize whatever animatronic this was because it hardly looked like an animatronic at all. It was more like a gigantic endoskeleton, but this one seemed rather humanoid and bulky in appearance. There were several protruding wires sticking out its body, and it seemed like its body was a mess, with many different springs, wires and metal out of place in some areas.
It was wearing a white clown faceplate mask, equipped with a red nose and a yellow-green party hat. From the angle the camera showed, he noticed that this animatronic only had one blue eye, its right eye missing from its face. But the strangest thing about this animatronic wasn't its appearance. It was that it was dragging Lolbit's broken down suit along the floor, completely disappearing from the feed's sight.