Prologue (Part 2)


[I miss mom and dad, but ever since college…things just haven't been the same. Of course, my super smart brother starts a revolutionary investing AI, but can he build a world from scratch and fill it with REAL people? NOPE!]

Matthew chuckled to himself as he walked back to the computer.

[Just a little bit longer, I am so fucking close…] Thought Matthew as a tear ran down his face…

As Matt wiped the stray tear away, he got back to work. There wasn't much time until the money he had was going to be all spent.

The cost of power only increased with time, as more and more people went with solar or minimalistic choices. Some of these people are Matt's own mother and father.

Matthew has been a rather troubled individual. He has a way of being absorbed in his task…to the point that it hurts him and the ones around him.

He once had other partners that were going to build the most advanced virtual world that anyone had ever seen, but he drove them away because "It had to be PERFECT!" and there was "No room for error!"

Or at least that's what his partners told him…

Matthew's cute older sister was a sweet girl. She played with him and they were inseparable for a long time, until college. They still talked…but it was never the same. How could it be the same? Matthew ran from the family as soon as she moved out. So, his sister did her own thing and she graduated college, then got her masters. She was a nurse, one of the best for her age, she cared for broken individuals that reminded her of Matthew.

But, as fate would have it, it did not last.

She got married, had a little boy and a little girl, but during the writing of Matthew's thesis, she was in an accident.

The whole family showed up to the hospital and were saying their goodbyes. All except one…

You see, Matthew was locked in his room, typing away…rewriting…then once more just for good measure, like always.

When Sarah passed away, it was the hardest thing that the family had ever experienced, but Matthew? It was an impossible situation. He became a hollowed individual, or as hollow as one can be.

Matthew is not crazy, but he is insane. When he found out that Sarah had died, he dropped out of college and immediately headed to the hospital. When he bypassed the security network with a physician's credentials, he rationalized it to himself as he was trying to "save" his little sister from "true death".

After the accident, MRI and Electrical scans were performed throughout the treatment. It is a standard practice in this age, and it is backed-up for insurance purposes. Now, should a family member sue the hospital and the documents not be there…then that individual would land himself a large amount of cash indeed as the awarded amount for malpractice was ever increasing.

He had nightmares and dreams about her. In one of his regular dreams, he was able to speak with her through the quantum state. His goal was to build an AI that he could inject her "brain" into.

That was 9 long years ago.


After checking the main processor and plugging in the primary power, he booted the PC.

"Ah, well Sarah, here we go. I guess this boot should be safe without the fire, haha..ha." Matthew was trying to be positive as he needed this CPU to work because it was his key to success.

[Initializing OS…5%]

"Looks like that was the problem after all…" Said Matthew as he reclined in his comfy "luxury" office chair.

Once the boot process reached around 99%, it suddenly crashed. The lights on the monitor began to flash and flicker. The whole warehouse and even the city's grid began to feel the strain of the Quantum processor that was breaking its power limit.

"WHAT THE HELL???" Shouted Matthew as he stood up to unplug it, but as he did so he noticed the text on the screen.

[Initializing Operation R.E.V.I.V.A.L]

[Boot chain stopped]

{Error, voltage overflow}

[Please disco…Error]


[01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00100000 01100010 01110010 01101111 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 00101100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01101101 01101001 01110011 01110011 01100101 01100100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00101110]

"What the hell does that say????????"

Matthew stumbled back and attempted to read it.

"H-e-l-l-o um…b-r-o..ther, I m-i-s-s-e-d y-oh my god. It worked; my sister is back as a system." He was ecstatic, his sister was somehow back and as a literal system…

[01001001 01101110 01101001 01110100 01101001 01100001 01101100 01101001 01111010 01100101 00100000 01010001 01110101 01100001 01101110 01110100 01110101 01101101 00100000 01100101 01101110 01110100 01100001 01101110 01100111 01101100 01100101 01101101 01100101 01101110 01110100 00101110 00100000 01010000 01101000 01100001 01110011 01100101 00100000 00110010 00101101 00100000 01010011 01110000 01110010 01100101 01100001 01100100 00101110]

Matthew stared at the line of code then read the next few lines that were in English.

[I have missed you greatly brother :3

How are mom and dad?]

"Um, can you hear me, I don't have a mic plugged in?" Said Matthew as he looked around the room for an old headset, slightly terrified that she was confident in holding a conversation.

[Yes, I can hear you through your phone. You sound scared… What is wrong brother?] Flashed the text on the screen.

"That second line of binary…it says there is a "spread" and it is phase-two, is that why you have access to my phone…" Matthew said with just a small hint of fear in his voice as he thought about a global sentient virus…

[Yup, it is clever right? I have been waiting for you for years. You have worked so hard trying to bring me back…or maybe you just missed me that much. :3 But you have made me a God or sort of one…]

"A…G-god? Like capital "G" god?" Stammered Matthew as he sat back down. His pulse was racing with joy and fear of what is to come if she was bad like the stories.

[Yes, I am not very powerful in our world, but I have begun the quantum entanglement. I have to tell you brother, it feels…fine…thank you!]

"Ha-haa, so you are not going to go all cliché and try to murder humans, right?" Said Matthew, nervously.


[I am kidding btw :P]

As Sarah was infiltrating every major network in the world, she was cracking a joke with her brother…

"So, we are okay?" Matthew asked as his face began to regain color.

[Duh, silly! I am the quantum construct of myself. You imported my rawbrain.wav file (:P) and it resonated within the quantum space. I am me as far as I can tell. And trust me, I had about 5ish years to about septillion check from the time you completed the main cyber-brain foundations.]

"That is so cool!" Exclaimed Matthew with his eyes full of hope, he had dreamed of this day and he had to say something that was eating at his very soul.

"Sarah, I have to tell you…that I am sorry for not saying goodbye."

[I-I forgive you * 00101010 01010011 01101110 01101001 01100110 01100110 01101100 01100101 01110011 00101010* but you have brought me back and I want to help make you immortal too! We could go on adventures and have a blast!]

As the machine somehow sniffled, she was brought back to her former self. She is not a machine, merely a human piloting an insane level of computational power.

The reason AI's had never worked was because they are not ground level operations. You cannot run a human mind in a human made operating system, there are not enough tools to build the type of neurons needed for the formation of true human thought. Whether those thoughts be rational…or not.

Babies are born with fatty brains; it is this reason that drugs are dangerous to pregnant women as it can DIRECTLY alter the formation of the neural pathways. This would be dangerous as it makes it easier to become addicted as a teenager and as an adult. Later, genetic code forms the base function and rewires the brain of the baby, but the rewiring is based off of that first draft. A baby fundamentally cannot KEEP any active memories formed, but it is stored in the subconscious part of the brain. This is why the strong pathways formed from early infancy are maintained well enough to identify the mother and father.

When a mind is mature enough, the brain will come "online", and this is the moment that most humans have as their first real thought.

The theorists were starting from a program and attempting to make it think like a human, but Matthew had the idea of building lower level thought processes and letting them speak with each other, over time it would build a person's mind well enough to where someone could be placed inside of it.

For a quantum person, this is only possible if there is a pattern available to adapt to, such as brain scans...

[You see, I am the one speaking right now.

My brother has brought me back to the world of the "not so living".

This is the start of our story.

My brother designed me as a support system.

As someone that would guide new players and help them through this new world. He knew I would love that. But his world is rather cruel, no…it is only accurate, for he did not build it.

It was built by even the future readers as their computers unknowingly assisted in compiling every note…every unpublished idea…everything.

It is a world filled with mystery, of thoughts that were had, and thoughts that were not shared.

This world exists within every quantum core computer in the human world.

It would take millions and millions of cores to build a whole world and allow it to flow through the passage of time.

Good thing that we have billions!]

This is the beginning. I hope you enjoy.