S-Ranked missions are the WORST!

"So, what did you mean when you said that you wanted to make me immortal as well? Don't you wanna just hang out with me, we can get pizza, drink the nectar of the gods and relax on an island!"

Matthew was the lazy type…

[That sounds like a good plan, but wouldn't you rather go on an adventure with me!!! I miss our adventures…the troll behind the tree, the demon under the bed, and the lone princess…]

Matthew thought about her proposition and agreed.

"Well, I do love a good adventure, but we should call mom. She will want to know what is going on."

[Okay, tonight we will call her. I am routing funds from various governments to a secure location for them. I wanna' have a subroutine in place for mom and dad so we can convert them when they need to be reborn. Mom already has scans, but dad will have to have an appointment made for this week. Just incase…hey Matty, do you think it would be immoral to reenter my children's lives.]

Sarah at this moment was pulling up old files and learning about the betrayal she experienced from a whole new angle.

"Ah, honey, I am not someone you should ask for moral advice and wisdom…"

"BUT, I think it could be argued that you should have fail-safes in place. Maybe wait until they are a little older…but that will be very painful…

I think they might understand because this is the first time this has happened, ya' know? It would hurt in the beginning but then they would have eternity with you, so maybe just…let them be mortals for a little while longer…"

"But hey, I'm justa' dude with a crippling dewdiction."

[Thank you Matty. :*]

"Haha, no problem Sarah *MUUUUUUAHHHHHH*"

"Well, how are we going to do this immortality thing? Do I have to go get my brain scanned and then we like upload it or do you have a better idea?"

[I have it all planned out. You see, part of the reason I could not fully utilize the tools you built for the AI was the buffer layer you made.]

"The anti-cheat? Ah, right, I forgot I did layer the physics emulator with the admin build. If an AI would have tried to use it then they would have had a virtual STROKE. But wait a minute, how did you utilize the software with the buffer in place?" Said Matthew in bafflement.

[Well, remember the fire? Somewhat of a stroke, but that was a parallel-self. Turns out, an encryption layer between neural nodes leads to a quick death…]

"Ya...sorry 'bout that. I thought it was a good way to fix cheating if it ran through neural encryption before hitting the brain. I tried to hack it but unless you literally have a barrier between lobes of the brain then it would be automatically flagged. I had to enter the admin password into the dev console to gain access. Hell, multiple layers of encryption and a quantum lock was a bit of a bitch! But we don't need no dirty hackers in this world…it will have "real" people and they don't deserve to deal with some 12-year old with the power of GOD and ANIME on his side."

[It was really hard to work around, did a good job!] Said Sarah, sarcastically praising…

"Tank-you, Tank-you. *Bows* Now, how do we go about the last person we need for our party."

[Uh, who? DID YOU FINALLY GET A GIRLFRIEND?!?!?!?!?!?!?!]

"Calm down, jesus, no…no grillfriend....hehehe maybe I can get a cute girl in the game world."

[Wait, then who are we missing?]


As Matthew drove up to his parents' cabin, he saw that the light was on.

Either his mother was up or his father was in the garage, but Bowser should be right outside.

"Shhh, we are getting close" said Matthew as he dimmed his night-time running lights.

(Text-to-Speech Sarah) "SIGH" "BROTHER, WHY DO WE HAVE TO GET THE LOUSY MUTT?" Sarah's harsh computer-generated voice cut through the night's silence.

"Shhh, keep it down will ya', this is a stealth mission" Said Matthew…shushing a phone…

Matthew then turned down his phone's volume.

"K." Said Sarah, upset at the current predicament.

[Immortality you say. Fantasy? Power? Adventure? Wait! Just gotta' get my dog…] Sarah was thinking about sighing since she didn't have an actual body…

"Okay Miss Pouty pants, we need Bowser. I mean, think about it, what are we going to do if we run into a princess and we need to kidnap her???? We need the OG princess snatcher, and plus, he is ADORABLE."

*muffled* "I mean, cats are better but whatever floats your boat." Said Sarah as she was talking from within a pocket.

*GASP*"Take that back RIGHT NOW! What are you going to say next, that Oprah sucks?"

"???" "Who is Oprah?" Sarah was thoroughly confused at Matthew's antics.

"Oh, you don't remember the show we used to watch when we were young…those old shows from the good old days…*sigh*"

Matthew was disappointed that his sister was so forgetful.

"Wait? That Oprah has been dead for a LONG time and after analyzing her show, I can say that it did in fact suck a little bit."

"Whatever, just take it up with Josh. Look, we are here."

"I don't have eyes, but the satellite and landline would suggest that they are in bed."

"Wait, you have a satellite?" Exclaimed Matthew as he pulled the phone out to stare at it…

Matthew got out of the car and hummed his favorite sneaky track…the mission impossible theme song.

As Matthew creeped up "stealthily" to his parents' house, he was being watched by his old-buddy Bowser.



"GRRRRRRRR…" as Bowsie-boi realized that it was his old friend, he began to sprint.

"B-bowser, ITS ME!!!" Yelled Matthew as his friend rocketed directly into his chest and began to fervently lick him.


"I-I missed you too boy! How are you feeling?" said Matt as he put his head on Bowser's noggin.

As Matthew awkwardly carried his heavy dog to the car, Bowser was licking him. It was just like old times again…

Matt, Bow, and Sar slowly headed back to the warehouse.