
After a little while, Matthew came to. He was groggy and felt like his head was in the clouds.

"AH, why is my head on your chest!" Said Matthew as he was attempting to pull away.

"Calm down, don't get up yet, okay? Now, try to get your breathing and relax."

"…don't you know how weird it is for you to…never mind. THIS IS USING 71, WHAT THE FUCK!!! HOW COULD IT POSSBILY USE THAT FUCKING MUCH, THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH Q-CPU'S TO RUN THAT."

Matthew had a red face with veins bulging all over it.

"Yeah, I had to put a rush order on them. The new cores are MUCH better than the old junk ones!" Said Sarah, still reading from the message panel.

"...are you uh….saying that you made a new type of core….WHAT THE HELL?? YOU AREN'T AN ENGINEER?"

"Well wait a minute, I didn't design it. It was in a safe in some dude's house. Something about SkyLake, honestly it sounded like Skynet and I got scared, BUT his design was PREEETTYYY good. So, we tested it in the labs and made a revolutionary design."

"Who is "WE" sis…"

Sarah faltered but got another message and was able to play it off.

"My scientists, they were researching how to form a special drive by using onboard processes from the BIOS, and it would keep blowing up because of the resistance. I made a little change and they now have one of the best operating systems in the world."

"Sis…I thought you weren't taking over the world!" Matthew stood up and was freaking out about the common folk that would be impacted.

"WHA…I am not, they are just willing to work for me." Said Sarah with a confused face herself…[What the hell are we talking about?]

"Hmmmm, alright….but at least pay them…okay?"

Matthew was concerned about destroying the way of life on Earth, he didn't want to be the dude responsible for that.

"Of course, now how are we going to get this system working again?"

"Okay, so, the world is still running which means the AI had to have made automatic patches for the system. That would make him/her a god in this world. It is only a moderator so we should be fine if it tries to fight us." Matthew was going over the worst-case scenario possible in case it was going to "go down" like that.

"Why would it fight us????????"

"Oh, bugs are deep, they are thorough. Bugs are absolute. Never underestimate a bug when coding. You could fix a clipping error in the UI and suddenly the game will not even boot. There is no rhyme or reason when bugs are involved. This might be a problem, because the bugs would have to be fixed with a total restart. So, the world would have to go down for a few seconds and then the patches would be applied."

Matthew was planning on fixing the world before being thrust into the world of bugs, but he wasn't too concerned because it is still a working world…probably.

"That sounds completely safe for the inhabitants…" Sarah was genuinely concerned for the unknown people of this world.

"Yea, it would probably kill a few of them…depending on what they are doing at the time."

"What if we go down there and look around first. Maybe there will be missing textures or something and we can fix it all at once!"

"I mean, can you force eject us? What is your access level?"

"I am the highest level! Administrator Sarah, reporting for duty!"

"Hahaha, nice try but give me a second." Laughed Matthew.

[Access dev panel]

{Input analog cypher}

{Quantum entangle password}

[Ready for entry]

[Alright, the password is…(Mylittleponiessuxs!)]




[Super Administrator privileges granted.]

"THERE WE GO!" said Matthew as a bladder of liquid appeared in his hands.

"What did you do, how come I can't feel what you did?" Said Sarah as she read from the script once more…

"Huh, oh *wipes mouth* it is because I-*BURRRRP*I added an analog spacer for access…"

"What is that?" said Sarah as she looked incredibly confused at his antics.

"It is the ultimate protection against super beings of unimaginable power. Basically, those with the most understanding of technology never use technology to protect ourselves.

It is simple, if I can build a deciphering machine that is able to run on quantum servers, what the hell can't I crack? The answer is NOTHING.

So, I used a one-way program that is only available if you insert a specific series of commands and it will not show up unless it is PERFECT. No amount of random control entry or password entry would ever get you to it. Hell, I can't even see when I do have it correctly. There is no indication on the administrator level."


"To be safe…I mean, what if someone got through all of the layers of security and I didn't have a backup…that would be stupid, wouldn't it?"

"So, what does your special state allow you to do?"

"GOOD QUESTION, it is bound to the physical layer and is directly impacting and controlling that, so I guess anything. I have full control of the physical engine in this state. I doubt I could die in this world, but I am not sure how it will react to the mana-layer…"

"Can I have the…" Sarah asked as she was cut off by Matthew.

"-I can't give you access…"


"I would have to get out the old Atari and Sega stuff then rewire it again. Then I would have to use the ancient switchboard to control the access panel for a second person."

"Switchboard panel?" Sarah wasn't sure if she had ever heard of something like that.

"The things that the people in ancient times used to call each other…they had like metal sticks and they would shove rods in holes…hehehe…"

"Oh, I think I remember that in history class…and knock it off. You know mom would scald you for that one! But, are you ready?" Sarah got the go ahead in a message and it instructed her to have fun, but also to send a message back when she needed help.

"I have my [Endless Bladder of God's Nectar] and my family jewels, I am ready, is there anything you want? Can I have a strong kitty cat?"

"What like a mythical kitty?"


"Alright, what kind of cat?"

"How about an orange tabby with adorable whiskers?"

"That works, lets see….[Orange Tabby; Lvl. 1] and now it should be [Orange Tabby, Lord of Ember; Lvl. 1000]. Now to confirm the token status. Huh? Crap…" said Matthew as he looked at the avatar picture of the cat. It now had black whiskers that seemed to release a black smoke.

"Is this okay?"


"What singe, oh…that is his crown…"


"Well, yeah, lord of ember and all…don't summon him yet, wait until we get down past the layer."

"Oh, alright…" said Sarah as she pouted…

"Well, make your character how you want…" said Matthew slyly.

"Wh-what, I am how I want to be…I wouldn't change much.." said Sarah, offended that he would say that to a woman let alone his sister.

"Oh, I am going to change some stuff…I always wanted a larger-OUCH. WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" said Matthew reeling from the actual pain of the punch.


"I was just jokin'…"

"SO, it is not funny!"

"Fine, no changes. I am ready, are you?"

"Yup! But wait, are we forgetting someone?"