Meet the locals!!

[OH FUCK!] thought Matt.

They yell in unison, "BOWSER!"

"OH SHIT, WHERE IS THAT MUTT? Can you summon him? I don't have the lower privileges right now…because I am such a genius…"

"I think, do I go to the player list and force summon?" Said Sarah after reading the new whisper message.

"Yeah, that should work."

"HA! "SUPER ADMIN" what a rank…but, you can summon Mtn Dew!!! Whiiiiichhhhh is also unimpressive..."

"Blasphemy! HOW DARE YE' FOUL WOMAN!" Shouted Matthew as he shook his fist at her.

"Oh hush…here he is…"

~Flash of white light and a massive silhouette is seen~

"what happened to Bowser?" said Sarah.

"Oh…Bowser, what have you done?"

Both look at the massive dog that appeared in front of them. He looked so full of life and had the perfect coat of hair. His jaws were MASSIVE and he was the size of a small truck.

"This dog already applied his character changes; I wonder how that works? I did NOT add that…BOWSER!" said Matthew as the dog was licking his face, but now it completely covered him in saliva.

"I missed you too, I missed you too! I am sorry we had to put you down right after rescuing you, but I was sure you would want to come with us. Heck, with your size, did you max the slider?"

Sarah looked at the big dog that appeared completely different from when it was just a puppy…

"Hahaha, Bowsie-wowsie. Do you remember me?" Bowser stood frozen looking at Sarah. He had remembered the family going through a deeply sad time when he was a young pup. He remembered playing with a girl, just…like…

*Sniff* *Sniff*

Bowser's eyes lit up as he realized that it was his old friend. He then dove on top of her and began licking her in a frenzy.

"WOAH, Bowser, calm down!"

[I guess it has been a while since you have seen her…but it seemed like you could smell her scent…interesting.

I wonder what that is, I did not add that level of smell recognition…]

"Alright, are we all ready, let's get this show on the road!"

As they hit the [Accept] and [Enter World] buttons for the RPG co-op section, the world flashed white.

-{Error; cinematic failure}-

As the group descended, Matthew notice that there were no scripts activating…


"AH! THE HELL?" said Matthew as he looked around for his sister.

"Sarah! Bowser! Did you guys notice the weird error in the load screen?"

"Not really…was it important?" said Sarah as she was looking around at the vibrant forest.

"Well, the scripts seem to be completely broken. How about we go ahead and relog. It might happen again."

"Alright, we can do that. Do we just hit the logout button to character creation? Or should we go fully out of the game?"

"Ugh, we should probably go fully out of the game. The world might not be stable and if it is using that much data then something might be wrong already."

As the pair tried to locate their logout function on their menu, they heard a large *THUMP*.

"Uh, Sarah, did you take a step?"

"NO…I am not that heavy, IDIOT…" said Sarah realizing that the thing that made it might be very close.

Matthew looked around the summoning shrine, where heroes and common folk alike will spawn in to save the world or be doomed in the process.

It was crumbling even though it is supposedly indestructible. How was something that is hardcoded to be unbreakable, broken?

[Alright, I'll bite, that is super weird. And what the hell is big enough to make a thump like that in spawn?]

"Uh, sis, lets slowly go east and head to the local village." Whispered Matthew as he beckoned Sarah and Bowser to the right.

The trio slowly stepped for 50 paces until there was a guttural growl.

The group stopped in their tracks and slowly looked around at where the sound was…

There stood…

A baby lizard?

"Well that was anticlimactic…how ya' doin' little fella'? said Matthew as he slowly approached the 1-foot tall lizard that was obviously a child.

"Uh, Matty, I don't think you should be doing that…" said Sarah as she nervously hugged Bowser for support.

"It should be juuuuusstt fine…he looks like an Earth type lizard. They have been domesticated in the past and this fella' is a baby. No more than 4 months old."

"Yeah, that is great but why would there be a baby out in the forest, and that growl couldn't have come from him…"

As Matthew thought about her words, he realized that she was probably correct and that the baby was looking or hiding from its mama.

Matthew coded these creatures to be kind and made them more agreeable because they were to serve as pets for the vast majority of players. They allow for large transportation of goods and allow player-parties to carry raid supplies to any needed location.

Suddenly, there was a loud *BURST* as trees fell down.


In front of the 4-beings, there was a large red lizard looking thing known as a [Fire Koo-doe]. It is the full adult version, but this is a wild variant…

"Wait, where is the moth-" said Matthew as a massive earthy-yellow and green [Earth Koo-doe] *SLAMMED* into the fire-doe.

The party stood completely in awe at the raw power that the beast displayed. Getting a clean hit into a distracted enemy was devastating.

"Holy SHIT! THAT WAS AWESOME!!" Said Matthew as he cheered for the mama Koo-doe.

"SARAH, DID YOU SEE THAT???? THAT IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT. RAW. UNADULTERATED. POWER. THAT is what separates the species. One can breathe fire but this one can FUCK! SHIT! UP!!!" Said Matthew as he fist-pumped the air.

The red lizard quickly escaped the battle after the mother realized her cub had company.

The trio realized that they should probably move along and began to back up…

"Alright, slowly, annnndd…"

The mother Koo-doe smacked her baby with her snout, and then they took off at a quick pace.

"That was a nice experience. Did you enjoy that Sarah, how about you Bowser?"

"I was scared…I have never seen an animal bigger than an elephant."

Bowser just stared at the two, contemplating which to lick on the face first…Sarah!


"Hahaha, Bowser, let's get you some water. It might be a long walk to the nearest village." Said Matthew as they began their long trek to the starter village of [Stoneshire].