Papers please!

They slowly inched forward. It took around 30-minutes for them to reach the gates.

"Identification." Said the Grizzled guard.

"Sir, we do not have any. We are wondering orphans." Said Matthew.

"Mhm, step to the side and raise your left hand, the captain will be with you."

"Thank you." Said Matthew as he pulled his sister and Bowser out of the line to the left side.

"Next!" Shouted the guard, continuing without paying a second thought.

The trio stood there for a minute when a side door was slowly pushed open. It was grinding against the stone and seemed to be very difficult to move.

"How are ya' doin', I am Captain Marshall." He said while going for a forearm shake with Matthew.

"I am doing quite poorly to be honest. Our parents were lost in a beast raid a few months back and we have run out of supplies, so we trekked through the forest to get here…" said Matthew as he reciprocated the man's gesture.

"Ah, I see…it happens too often anymore. The outer villages have been getting weaker with the increasing demand for dungeon subjugation. I am sorry, son. Come on through and we can get you assigned an official Empire Identification gem."

As the soldier beckoned the group to follow through the impossibly heavy stone door. They took a look around and went inside.

The walked in and saw the dark and eerie light of candles and torches, instead of the classic [Magelight] that almost everyone was going to use in the game.

"Um, Sir, do you mind if I ask a question?" said Matthew shyly, doing his best orphan impression.

"Well, ya' just did, but I'll let ya' have two." Said Marshall as he gave him a cheeky wink. "Shoot!"

"It might sound like a stupid question but is it possible to shoot fire out of your hands and perform miracles. Dad always told us that in the old times there was more mana and power, but now the mana is weaker…I-I want to become a mage with my sister and-" said Matthew as he was cut off by Marshall.

"HAHAHA! You kids sure do dream big! Because becoming a mage is something that nobles do, not us common folk. And, yeah, your papa was right about the mana-shift. A long time ago there was a demon king and his goal was to destroy the [Manawell] that rested at the center of the continent. After he succeeded, mages became very rare. There are records of people being able to use inspection magic constantly for FREE! It would have been a wonderful time. But, alas, that is in the distant past."

After Marshall had a hearty chuckle, he brought the kids to an identifier.

"Go ahead and place your hand over it…."

When Matthew placed his hand over it, the soldier was able to see a floating box with Matthew's basic information and whether he had committed crimes.

"Ah, Matthew, good name. And now you miss." Gestured Marshall.

As Sarah placed her hand over the orb, it reacted in the same manner as Matthew, but it had a white color.

"Oh, well! It seems you have an abundance of white mana in your body. You might have an affinity for healing magic or illusion magic. You should go to the guild hall and have them perform an affinity test."

"Um, Sir, is it okay to have our pet…he is quite large…" said Matthew nervously.

"Ah, I wouldn't worry about it as long as he is able to behave. Dogs don't really pose a high threat unless leveled and given a [Combat Hound] class."

"T-thank you, Sir!"

"Don't worry about it youngster. Go on now, enjoy the city and don't get into any trouble!" said Marshall as the group was walking away, Matthew had turned around to give him one last wave.

"Huh, nice guy…" said Matthew as he recalled the information.

[It would seem that the mana-layer is completely FUCKED, like, royally FUCKED.]

"So, Matty, what are we going to do?" said Sarah with a gleam in her eyes.

"You wanna become a healer don't you…"

"Maybe" said Sarah smiling from ear to ear.

"Why would you be a healer when we can cast amazing spells and shoot fire with our thoughts?"

Matthew was confused at the choice that she is making.

"Well, I love helping people. I mean, I was able to care for patients in the previous life but imagine if I could just heal them…"

[Imagine all the little kids I could have saved…]

"Yeah, but it doesn't make sense. You need to protect yourself if you are going to get far in this world…" said Matthew looking at Sarah seriously.


"Silly, that is what you are for…unless you don't want to protect me…" said Sarah, teasing Matthew.

"W-What, of course I will, I mean. Yeah, I will protect you…" said Matthew, flustered.

"Hehehe, there is my Matty I know!"

"Bowser, tell her she isn't funny."


As the trio walk down the main entrance, they see a massive walkway, with statues of angels and fallen heroes. There are spires and peaks that are over 200-feet tall. There are blue, red, and yellow banners that line the entrance.

Guards patrol regularly. There are merchant stands and many people with weapons and combat ready gear.

It looks like a fully-fledged capital city…

"Woah…" said Matthew, looking at the ingenuity that the system had…

"This is beautiful! I wonder how many people live here?" said Sarah as she pulled Matthew's hand.

They walk up to a patrolling guard who is in full plate-mail.

"Sir! This city is amazing, do you know how many people live here!"

"Huh? Uh…" says the guard as he itches the side of his exposed nose. "Odd question, but probably around 50,000 people during the summer annnnnd much less during the winter."

"Why do people leave the city in the winter?" asks Sarah.

"Ah, various reasons, merchants travel south to the hotter places, but mostly the cost. Firewood can get very expensive to transport to the city."

"Why not use the forest next to the city for wood?"

"Ah, the Lord does not want us to deplete the forest as it is a natural deterrent for enemies during war time. Crossing it with large numbers is VERY difficult and culling trees will make it easier to invade. We get wood from the smaller villages as a replacement. Is there anything else, young lady?"

"Actually yeah, could you point us to the Adventurer's Guild?" asks Sarah.

"Sure, it is in the industrial district. There are brown roof-tiles that identify the district you are in. There are a few so if you get lost, feel free to ask a guard. Good day young lady." Said the guard as he walked off, continuing the patrol.

"Wow, nice job Sarah, that was impressive!" said Matthew.

"Thanks!" said Sarah as they continue, looking for brown tiles…

"Hey, Matty, where are we going to stay the night and get some food, I am getting hungry?"

"…uh, don't worry, I have a plan!" said Matthew confidently.