Adventurers Guild (Part 1)

The trio walked along the white road, looking from side to side.

There were so many amazing things to see in this world. The trade was genuine and almost anything could be found for a price. Some goods were slightly older as if they had been carried for a long time from a distant place, and each material had its own distinct qualities. There were swords that appeared to be normal arming swords that any knight or soldier in the medieval era would proudly use, and there were cavalry sabers that appeared to be used for mounted slashing.

The stands were makeshift and organized. Lines in the white stone were dictating the allotted space for each merchant depending on the rent and tax contributed to the kingdom. There were more permanent spaces, but they had a rustic and old feel. As if they had been there for generations.

"Hey, Sarah, look at that guy! Do you see his sword?" Said Matthew barely pointing at a tall man carrying a two-handed bastard style sword.

"Woah!!! IT IS GLOWING!!!" exclaimed Sarah, as she pointed at the handsome man.

Matthew grabbed her arm and quickly lowered it before any nobles could see what she had done. It is not illegal, but it would certainly be considered rude to point in public like that…and if an off-color remark was said, then it could be considered the questioning of a noble's pride.

"Sis, you can't do that…we are not in Kansas anymore. These people have a rigid social hierarchy, and I do not know if the system is working well, so we might not respawn…"

Matthew pulled his sister to the side and kept moving along to not impede the flow of foot traffic.

"I am sorry…I didn't know." Said Sarah with a dejected expression, but she was not being seriously reprimanded for an error, it was just an honest mistake.

"It is fine, I don't think he noticed you…" Said Matthew as he was casually looking behind him at where the man would be.

"Let's look for brown tiles…"

"Already on it!" Said Sarah as she began to pull Matthew with her and Bowser. She was walking quickly to a small corner of the Trade District.

There they found a walkway into another part of town. It was filled with large buildings that were decorated in brown tiles.

The mixture of old white stone and strong redwood created an odd sight.

The clash of the past and the present was refreshing for a medieval city.

"Let's try the big building!"

As Sarah pulled Matthew to the building, they noticed just how large it is. Standing at a whooping 6-stories tall, it was the maximum for wood and stone without metal being used. But it managed to look sturdy and unbreakable rather than the maximum building height with these materials…

There was a large sword and shield on a massive silk banner that fluttered in the wind.

"HA, I would wager that we are in the right place, good eye!" Said Matthew as he gave his big sister head pats and caused her to glare at him with ire.

"Let's head on in…"

Matthew opened the large wooden door that had strange runic carvings and immediately noticed how light it was…

[Woah, gravity? Or maybe it is space magic? That isn't in the base game….]

The trio noticed that the hall was filled with people in various clothing. Some had a noble appearance to emulate their goals, some had a rough and gritty appearance with a distinct lack of shaving. Others had a mix of qualities that one might find on a passerby in the previous world. Here, they were normal people, going to work at their 9 to 5.

Matthew noticed an open service counter and pulled his sister along with him. As he approached the counter, he couldn't help but noticed that people looked at Bowser with affection.

[YES! Dog charm still works baby!!]

"Hi, how may I help you today!" Said the young human girl with peach colored hair.

"Hi, um, we are new to the city and we were looking to join the *cough* guild…" Said Matthew with a strange nervousness about him…

"That is no problem! We can get you squared away with some simple paperwork and an introduction from a trainer. Now, have you ever fought a monster or beast before?"

"Well, sort of, but we need to look at our stats and affinities too…we come from a distant village that has been destroyed and we are looking for work…" Said Matthew with a sad expression.

"I understand…I come from a similar background. The guild will gladly help take in anyone that can provide support!" Said the girl with a somber tone that shifted to an enthusiastic one.

"I am sorry, but what does the guild do? I have not really heard much about it other than monster subjugation from our dad…"

"Ah, a real newbie. Not a problem, there are many functions of the guild. Mostly, the guild is tasked with the regular clearing of low-leveled dungeons and beast nests. You could specialize like most people and become a "farmer". They are people that complete a similar quest each day/week to build up a decent amount of capital. It is a steady and stable life with few deaths. Most of the farmers die from old age and with their families."

"Why don't people keep leveling?" Said Matthew with genuine confusion.

People began to line up behind the trio as their conversation continued and they had an impatient look about them…waiting in line for THESE kinds of questions…

"Um, ma'am, can we talk at another more private place? I think people are getting upset at a "newbie" and I don't wanna impose on them."

"Sure thing, but let me get another service member, you can stand next to the employee door."

As she went to get another person Matthew walked to the door and stood with his sister and Bowser.

The little lady took around 10-minutes to comeback and was quite forcefully pushing another midnight haired lady from behind. She had the classic case of "can't work" syndrome.

After getting everyone calmed down and apologizing profusely, she walked over and opened the locked door with a magical card.