"Hello!!! Could you tell us where the nearest dungeon might be?" Said Sarah as she was walking up to the on-duty guard. He wore the standard tabard of the city. It was a royal-red weave with an embroidered Lion as the crest.

"Ah, hello citizen! The nearest dungeon would be the [Forest of Madness]. It is located in this district, and it has been very popular for nature classes." Said the guard with a chipper tone in his voice.

"Do some classes get advantages within the dungeon?" Chimed in Matthew.

"Yes. They can have bonuses to certain magics depending on the environment and nature mages are the most common type of mage outside of the noble families. I am sure you have seen a lot of druidic individuals on your travels, no?"

"Yes, we have seen a few on our journey to the city…we shall be off! Thank you for your time, good Sir!" Said Matthew with a wave and a smile.

"Well, nature mages are still a thing, that is good." Said Matthew with a small chuckle.

So much of the world he had built by hand had crumbled away with the passage of time and the dynamic nature of reality.

It was beginning to dawn on him that he might have to take a serious look at what he knew before he did anything major. He might accidently become a victim of his own pride and idiocy. But of course, this rational thought was only second on his priority list, because the first was obtaining a Mtn Dew like substance before he lost his light to heaven…

While the trio walked around trying to find a "dungeon" like building within a massive city district, Matthew began to think about his path to power.

He would have to start with either the [Brewer] or [Cooking] profession. Mtn Dew was the first necessity. Then he could probably make some money with it, or he could do some freelance enchanting work…seeing as he designed and wrote the code, it should be easy but ya' never really know until you try.

[Sarah is going to become someone that is able to heal an insane amount with her experience bonuses. She will level quickly and will probably have to be classed within two-days…and why is my status screen so completely FUCKED.

It honestly doesn't really make sense, first my HP and MP are completely wacked with some sort of overflow error…which is not possible in a quantum engine…

Wait a minute! If it is an overflow error then it could be that my [Super Administrator] access method was causing the overflow…that is the only time the system is supposed to receive data from an outside system…but it would explain why the packet is being read this way…

If the byte of information itself was bugged or corrupted, then no amount of quantum power could figure out something that is ALREADY broken from the start! That would mean that I have an…infinite amount of health and mana…

"Heyyyyy Sarah????? Before we go into the dungeon…could you test something really quick?" Said Matthew with a hug grin on his face.

"Hmm?" Said Sarah, turning to look at the mischievous man. With squinted eyes she said "Maybe…" Then Matthew pulled her arm, nearly leaving Bowser who was still walking in the same straight line. He had his nose locked onto some form of lightly-fried meat.

As the two ran into an alleyway, Bowser followed just in time. Matthew was extremely excited at the test. Not for "other" reasons, but pure scientific inquiry.

When Matthew finally stopped, he took a sharp piece of glass off of the ground and turned to hand it to Sarah.

"Alright, you are going to [Attack] me with this, okay?" Said Matthew as a matter of fact.

"W-w-what???" Sarah stammered out. "Why would I do that? Why do you want to get injured before we go in?????"

"Just trust me, do a light cut but think about actually attacking me or it won't work."

Sarah stood there, paralyzed by the request and subsequent series of statements. It was not only uncommon, but she knew her brother HATED to be in pain and would never receive even a spanking by controlling his behavior PERFECTLY around mother.

"Uh, Earth to Sarah?" Said Matthew waving his hand over her eyes trying to get her attention…

"Huh? Wait, Matty, why do you want me to do this? It is going to hurt you, you know that, right?"

"Duh, a little pain isn't that big of a deal…I mean-" said Matthew as he stopped muttering and thought, [-it is nothing compared to losing you.]

"Any way just do it. Make a small attack on me and I need you to really focus on trying to make me bleed!" Said Matthew as he mentally readied himself for being cut by the small shard of glass. He braced his arm by grabbing his left-wrist with his right hand and made an L-shape with his left arm by bending his elbow.

Sarah readied herself for making a small incision. She had watched it being done by many surgeons and had even performed emergency tracheotomies after getting her Master's degree. She was legally permitted to perform life-saving tracheotomies within the Federation…

[Alright, just a small incision…]

"Wait, Matty, I don't have any site prep-pads….let me go find some high strength alco-" Said Sarah as Matthew lunged into the piece of glass in her hand.

Sarah lightly sliced Matthew's flesh he had barely even felt it…until…

"AH FUCK, THAT SMARTS A LITTLE!!!" Said Matthew finally feeling the pain from the glass…and it was stuck in his arm…


Sarah was incredibly mad at Matthew, but her instinct kicked in as she took off her overshirt and began to rip the base into small strips of cloth.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Fuck, fuck, fuck…it hurts so much more than I thought it would..." Said Matthew as he was coming back to his senses.



[Status-Matthew-No Noble house.]

Lvl.1 (Exp: 0/40)

HP= -129/-0 [Error]

MP= 80/0

Constitution= 7 Wisdom= 10

Strength= 6 Intelligence= 10

Dexterity= 2 Spirit= 10

{Error}- Super Administrator Access -{Error}

Class- None


[Math explanation]

[Base ratio is out of 6 points per level depending on the calculation being done. This is converted into an efficiency that is impacting the application of damage, healing, and damage received.]

(Tanks have a slightly better damage reduction with an active and passive extra-proficiency that is granted by default.)

Matthew has 7 Con, so he receives 100% of the stat's efficiency at level 1. This percentage is applied and then will impact the raw score at the level of the attacker. If someone was 10 levels above you then you would have to have an efficiency above 100% which means that the lower-leveled person is ALWAYS at a disadvantage mathematically...

[Math example: (Level 20 x Con of 6= 120 potential) then take the actual Con of the person (for example 80 for a damage focused swordsman) and then divide the actual/potential 80/120) equaling 66.66-% without rounding. The damage that is coming is from the highest physical stat of 110/120 Dex which would be 91.66-% with a difference of 25% that would be (110-Dex multiplied by .75) =28 damage coming from an unarmed rogue to a damage swordsman.

[Weapons will use the modifier, and skills and abilities will impact the damage output GREATLY. If you have ever played any MMO, imagine taking off all of your gear and weapons, then punching someone in a duel. That is what the example is like for this world as both players around Lvl. 20 would have about 1,000-2000 HP depending on their primary stats and bonuses.]


[Sarah did 1 damage. Her highest stat must have equaled mine in efficiency.]

"Hey, Sarah, what is your highest physical stat?"

"I think it is Con at 8, why-here…let me do it…" Said Sarah as she pulled the shard out of his arm, out dripping a few drops of blood.

She began to apply pressure and clean the wound as best as she could…

"No, I mean your Strength or Dexterity. What are they?" Said Matthew as he sat down with Sarah, moaning about the pain.

"Uh…I think my Strength was like 3 and my Dexterity was 6, why do you need to know?"

"Thank goodness. So at least the damage system is still in place, haha!" Said Matthew, reveling in the fact that his pain wouldn't be for naught.

The two sat on the ground in the filthy alleyway as Matthew explained the combat system to his sister. It would take a long time to master but for Matthew, this test would let him be aware of his true strength at any moment…

If Matthew was wrong then the damage amount should have been different or would have made him the winning defender, but it caused true-pain between "players" which meant his system was in place at that level.

The pain he felt was 100% of the real amount and in a dungeon, the [Adrenaline] buff would be in place reducing the pain to just 10% of the normal value which is standard in MMO's as people do not like pain.

The HP-to-pain threshold is lowered in an active war as well, so for PVP to be used often then it would have to be sanctioned or people would be outcasted from the player-base…or at least that was the plan…

Matthew just needed to figure out how the HP bar would react once he hit 0.

[I should just test the mana at level 5 when I get my first general ability…]

~End of the chapter, Thank you!~