The way of the *Plop*

Matthew was still feeling the pain from the shard of glass, but at least he had a decent idea of how to test his next theory. Figuring out the new world was going to have to be a top priority because the respawn system is likely not in place and if he or his sister were to die…then it might be very bad as the "NPC's" die all the time and should be erased.

At the moment, the logout button was still missing, and the exit feature also appeared broken even after a few hours but Matthew thought about how much the world would be damaged by pausing it. How many people would it kill…millions?

"Sarah, I still need to test a little before I figure out what is going on with my status screen but I need you to know that if you are ever in danger, I want you to immediately eject from the world. Hell, delete it if you have to, I just CAN'T lose you again…okay?" Said Matthew without looking at Sarah.

Sarah stopped walking and pulled Matthew's hand to a corner of the street.

"Hey, Matty, you know that I love you, right?" Said Sarah with a big smile.

"Yeah, Sis, I know. I just need you to be ready at a moment's notice." Said Matthew with a blushing face.

Sarah looked at Matty and wondered how hard it must have been…not just building this world, but to have missed her death.

After thinking about it, she realized how insane it is that he succeeded and was able to advance history through the death of an insignificant girl…

[Just how messed up is my sweet baby brother?] Thought Sarah, nearly crying.

Then as they continued, each of them tried to fight their tears from flooding out.

After walking around, the mood finally shifted back to a more joyous and adventurous tone.

"Matty, what do the slimes look like? Are they cute and adorable little monsters?!" Sarah looked at Matthew with big eyes and exclaimed.

"Ah…not quite. They are a blob of hydrochloric acid and various other minor acids that will attack you at a moments notice. I swear, you might be the reason that MMO developers have tips that say to "not stand in fire" or to "not hug the slimes."

Matthew then spotted a rugged and stone looking building, but there was a major contrast as it was built out of a coarse and midnight-black stone. There were the standard guards, but they had much better-quality armor and appeared to have enchanted weapons.

"Howdy, is this the entrance for the [Forest of Mysteries] dungeon?" Asked Matthew in a slightly too friendly tone.

"Yes, citizen, this is the entrance for the [Forest of Mysteries] dungeon. Is there anything you need help with, or?" Asked the guard.

"Ah, my sister and I joined the Adventurers Guild and we were looking to get a few slimes killed before the day was over. May we go inside?"

"Hmm, hold on one minute, I need to verify the registration." Said the guard as he walked over to a blue crystal ball and placed his hand on it.

The ball began to glow with the blue wave pattern of mana injection. Then the guard looked at the trio, describing them within his mind and using his inspection ability for accurate information.

After a few moments, the secretary was able to confirm the completed waver that stated the kingdom would not be responsible for loss of life, and the process was complete.

"Alright, you three may head on inside and go down to floor 25 at your own volition. But to go further, please increase your rank within the guild or enlist in the kingdom's standing military." Said the guard, then turning to the young lady. "The kingdom would benefit greatly from an excellent healer…especially with war looming. You could make yourself a fine career and maybe earn a title if you save many nobles from dying. They would almost certainly agree to your requests."

"Ah…thank you, I will think about it and I will contact you if I change my mind." Said Sarah as she slowly moved forward to walk past the guard, keeping her body facing him as to not break the conversation quite so abruptly.

"Thank you, gentlemen!" Said Sarah with a large smile as she was able to enter the dungeon's entrance.

"Sarah, your ability to get out of conversations is most impressive, you remind me of…me." Said Matthew with a wink.

Then he pulled her over to the green looking tint in the air. It was almost like it was hologram projected…

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, Matty, do we just walk through, or???"

"Here." Said Matthew as he placed his hand inside the "green" air. Thus, prompting the system to give him a ready check. To which he added Sarah and Bowser to his group before hitting the enter button.


The trio landed in a dank cave, there was actual slime and what appeared to be snot all over the walls and rocks.

"Argggghhhh…I hate this place…it smells like C-diff…disgusting." Said Sarah.

Matthew was looking around for any nearby enemies and when he took his first step, it landed in a pile of green-yellow goo.

"Oh god...I think I am going to be sick." Said Matthew as he tried to get his foot out from the vacuum.

"Sarah, this sucks…I swear to god I did not make this dungeon. I would have added Dew fountains but not…this goopy crap…"

As Matthew finally got his foot out of the pile, he noticed that there was a new visitor. It was a simple [Lvl. 1- Slime] and it made a plopping sound as it "sprinted" at the new "prey".

"Matty, I thought you said they were disgusting…but he is a pretty cute little guy! Isn't that right Mr. Squishy?"

As Matthew facepalmed, he readied the trash quality spear that the guild lady Clara had provided.

The [Slime] had made its way over to Matthew and he was ready to strike at the perfect time to interrupt the jump. Just as the whole blob of mucous lowered and flattened like a pancake, Matthew struck like lightning…very slow and inaccurate lightning.

Matthew hit the [Lvl. 1- Slime] for a (-14! HP) critical strike! as it popped up to hit Matthew for (-5 HP).

"AHH, IT BURNS, IT'S LIKE CHURCH ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!" Said Matthew, enjoying the not so agonizing pain…compared to the glass shard.

As Matthew realized the [Lvl. 1- Slime] would always attack even if he was interrupting it, he began to make it a moving hit. He would walk in to range from the [Lvl. 1- Slime]'s left side and quickly dodge to the right as he thrusted forwards with the spear for a critical hit. In only two more strikes, the [Lvl. 1-Slime] had perished.

[(+1 Exp) Matthew, (+2 Exp) Sarah, and (+1) Bowser for defeating [Lvl. 1- Slime]].

"Well, that was easy!" Said Sarah with a large smile on her face.

Matthew turned to her in horror as she had said the forbidden wor-



"Oh, fuck me…" Said Matthew looking at the wave of 9 [Lvl. 1- Slime]'s performing an Olympic sprint at them. "You just had to say it!"