Family Connections

After a few minutes, or hours I think, I have lost the notion of time while I was meditating together with Emily. After that, Emily looked at me and ask me.

"Are you not mad at me because we left at the Orphanage?"

This question was kinda hard to respond to. If I had to respond I didn't like to live there, Emily could hate herself for what she has done, but if I forgive her, the things would mostly work in the future. So I chose the second option.

"I-I was mad back at the campfire, but now. I am not... Eventually, I'm really glad you did that." I say that to Emily, who she was about to cry.

"I-I am glad you are not mad at us."

"Yeah... Anyway. I wanted to ask some questions."

"Of course. But, let's go into a more private place," says Emily taking the lead and going into a more private location to answer me some question I wanted to ask her.

After we walked into the forest for about ten minutes, we arrived at the perfect location. Emily found out a log that I think has been there for more than a decade since it has the muscle that any tree has, even if it is still standing or not. Emily sits on that log, and I sit next to her. Just as I sat down next to her, I began to smell strange, something I had never felt before. That weird smell is not bad it makes my nose dance. That smell is similar to flowers called bats that can be found in almost any tree in the garden of a house or on the street if you look more closely. Not only did Emily have a nice smell, which I haven't seen in anyone before, but she even has something I'm really ashamed to say ... However, Emily noticed that it smells, it makes me grin. and she tells me in a tone that would make me jump on her if we were the same age and not blood relatives.

"Do you like my perfume?"

"Perfume?" I ask her to feel quite interesting in this weird thing, but I decided to let on another time and I responded. "Yes. I like it."

"Thank you. Now, what do you wanted me to ask? I hope it, not a date or the quarrel between a man and a woman."

"No. What I wanted to ask is. How did you become a wizard?"

"A quite nice question. You see. Wizards can be born in many ways, one of them is taking genes from the mother or father who one or both are wizards, this is the most common way to become a wizard and the one with the highest success rates. The second ... He is learning to become a wizard, something like that is very difficult because most people who do not have magic choose this path either because they are weak in side-by-side battles, or because they do not manage to work in trade, construction or in the kitchen. People who choose the second path are at risk of dying trying because it is not easy to master magic if you are a young man without magic or a hand."

"I see. Then, you were born as a wizard?"

"Yes. I and your mother were both wizards when we were raised in this world. But, there was one member of our family, who decided to became a magician, even though he has no mana. His name is Julius, and now he is living in a far place from this land. I don't exactly know the name but it is very far from our home."

"So I got many more relatives than you two, huh?" I asked Emily feeling kinda intrigued by this one guy named Julius. "How many?"

"There are many more in this vast world, but I knew some who are in our family. One of them is named Ruckus, and this one was the child of Big Gus, but he left our Kingdom and he is surely walking somewhere in this world. That guy was a crazy kid, he knows how to craft a blade at the age of seven and he even killed one person at the age of eight, which turned out to be his stepmother. After he has done that, he left the kingdom. I wonder what he is doing right now."

"When was this happen?"

"Um... I lost time count, but it would probably be three or four years ago."

"Ah. I see."

"And there would be Rick and Toma, who are my brothers, but those two are still in the Kingdom and they are merchants. Both of them own a building at the Glenn River. Have you ever heard about that place?"

"No. I never heard of a river called Glenn. What it is like?"

"It is nice for people who love catching fishes and a relaxing pace, where you could take a nap or stay there and meditating."

"Wow. This family I have seemed very nice."

"Yes we are, but like every family, we have our fighting about different things, but, we still care about each other."

After a few seconds, Judah was looking at the skies and he asks Emily another question.

"How were my parents?"

"Your parents were wonderful people. Your father was a good man, your mother was a clever witch. One day, she invented a spell, which remained in our family forever, and that spell cannot be used by anyone. I can't even use it because I'm still not as skilled as your mother was. But, surely you will be able to do that spell one day."

I did not say anything after that, I was thinking about what kind of spell has my mother created and what for, but I am sure my mother created that spell for an important objective like saving the world ( yeah this one does not seem realistic ) or to keep our family safe. Whatever the reason is, I will know it one day.

"Are you living in the Kingdom of Romania?"

"Not exactly. In the rural zone," says Emily. "Have you ever heard about that zone?"

"I was one time there when I and Fiona have to return a weapon to his owner."

"Good. Maybe you'll visit my and Big Gus house one day."

"Yeah... Maybe after the war will end I will visit your zone."

Emily raises her hand and her pinky finger. I heard about this promise of the little finger. We rarely did it at the Orphanage with a few, just so we wouldn't confess the truth to the nuns who raised us. Emily and I make the promise of the little finger that means that one day, for sure, I will visit their home.

After a few minutes, me and Emily, I talked about my family and some memories I barely remembered about my childhood in the Orphanage. After we finish talking, we both, seeing that the afternoon is coming, go to the bunker to prepare lunch. But before we got to the bunker, we noticed something tragic. Fiona is on fire with a boiler, she is cooking. The worst thing I've ever seen. Emily and Big Gus still don't know about Fiona's cooking, but I'm already sorry about them. Great Gods who defend our world, have mercy on me and my relatives!

Immediately, the four of us sat down at a table, with a bowl in front of us with a kind of ... the soup I think, I don't know. This soup looks more like frog water and pieces of meat. Poor animal, cooked in a bad soup. I think he's looking disgusted at Fiona, but more than likely at the soup we'll enjoy. I noticed that Emily when she smelled the soup, was about to get drunk, but what fascinated me was that Big Gus ate that soup with gusto. How can he eat something like that that I don't even think should fall into the category of human food, but not even animal food if I were, to be honest. Emily looked helpless, at which I looked at her as well. Fiona, looking at me, smiling at me and wondering if I'm hungry.

I replied that it was mine and I started eating soup because I didn't want to be torn or hurt by his feelings. So, from the first sip, she was about to vomit, but I decide to resist and try, no matter how hard it is to eat that "soup" that Fiona cooked while Emily and I were talking. Emily and I ate that soup until we were about to fall to the ground, but when we didn't even make a third of that bowl, Big Gus asked for another portion. We look at each other helplessly and wonder how he can eat something like that.

In short, after we had finished eating lunch with difficulty, Emily and I went into the woods, not to hunt or patrol, but to vomit Fiona's food, without her realizing it because we didn't want to rise with a giant sword on our heads.