
Later on this day, almost at night, I and Fiona left the bunker and left Emily and Big Gus alone there because both of us have to hunt some wild animals for our supplies. Apparently, the general offers a box of supplies, but for two persons, and Big Gus eats for two or even five persons. He can even eat Fiona's cooking. That man is a beast, to be honest, and I cannot believe this one is my blood relative and my father's brother... I wonder if my father was ever surprised by Big Gus's appetite.

We take a path that is in this forest, I think for more than tens or hundreds of years. We walked on that path, we were careful in the surroundings not to receive any surprise attack from a carnivorous wild animal. Fiona was in front of me, and I was behind as usual and looking around. I noticed a lot of different species of trees in this area, I also noticed some fruits that fell on the ground. I took one of those fruits, which looks like a pear, but is purple. I smelled it, and that fruit did not have a really unpleasant smell, in fact, it had the characteristic smell of a crushed grape in the autumn to make wine.

"That's a Wiear," says Fiona to me while I was looking at the fruit. "You have never eaten a Wier in your life?"

"No," I say to Fiona remembering she cook disgusting food and she can also eat. "It is eatable?"

"Yes. But it tastes better if you're put into him boiled milk. That's how my sister cooked eat that thing."

"I see."

I put that fruit in my backpack, and Fiona and I continue on our way to look for a wild animal, which, hopefully, will be edible and not cooked by Fiona. We walk through the forest for a while, until we come across something sure to be edible. Fiona and I throw ourselves into the bushes and notice three rabbits in front of us, eating some herbs and wild vegetables. Fiona was about to draw her sword, but she decides not to, she looks at me, who asks me, whispering in a serious voice.

"If I lose control, will you try to use any spell to slow me down or just stop me? But not at all, I mean don't kill me, just temporarily."

When she said that, I thought to myself: "What is she talking about?". But then, I remember that scene at the carriage with Henderson and Gregson. So, I respond to her question by whispering because we do not want to scare those rabbits.

"Sure. I can use one from the book... Are you going to transform into... Y'know..."

"Yes. I will have to try to control this beast," says Fiona while she whispers at me. "If your spells will not make it, you can even try calling Emily or Big Gus help. Alright?"


"Good," says Fiona while she slowly put down her sword, she takes off her armour and also, her boots.

While she was doing that, something was rising into me, and I hope it is not that thing because this is wrong on so many levels. But, leaving all this aside, Fiona staying in four legs like a dog is staying and she instantly transformed into a Vewolf. While she was transforming I could observe some details about her transforming. Her skin begun to grow some green hair, her head was Fiona's human head turns into a wolf's. His eyes turn green and animal, and the tail of the vewolf begins to grow in a few seconds. That tail is green and has some white stripes. When I saw what Vewolful looks like, I was very surprised, because this is the first time in my life when I see a vewolf and Fiona or a human race turning into an animal, but then speaking, can Fiona still fit into the human race if it has an animal or spirit monster? I guess not.

When the transformation was completed, the vewolf was looking at me and he smelled me just to be sure he is not in danger. When he finished smelling my face, the vewolf nods his head to me, he turned around, he became invisible and he left the bushes. While the vewolf was on road to those rabbits, I thought to myself, does Fiona is fully controlling the vewolf or just a part of him like most of the human monsters?

I noticed through the bush how Fiona, who is completely transformed into a Vewolf, tries to catch those rabbits being camouflaged in the landscape. I could see everything that was going on because it wasn't completely dark, only partially dark. I couldn't see it was Fiona, but I could tell by the way those helpless and innocent rabbits are being thrown into the air or trees at incredible speed. All five rabbits there were no longer alive, none of them was moving, they were all lying on this meadow, their muzzles in the sun and their lifeless red eyes.

When Fiona, in the form of Vewolf, finished destroying those rabbits, she returned to her human form. There was no problem when she became human again because the clothes were on, the scars were still on her and so was her blond hair. However, what matters right now is whether she is herself. I've heard a lot of rumours about humans turning into creatures and about transformation problems, such as the fact that the beast can control their bodies even if they have become human bodies again.

I get out of the bush and head for Fiona, my wand ready for any problem that might arise. I reach a few inches from her and watch her stand up and look at me with the look that any mother has when her dear child discovers that her real mother is a secret prostitute.

"How do you think about my form?"

"I-I-It is very niece... And efficient." I try to tell Fiona, even though I was agitated and scared because I was afraid that the event would happen, but to my joy and hers, it didn't happen.

"Thanks," replied Fiona to me while she grabs the dead rabbits. "This was your first time when you have seen a human transforming into a creature or beast?"

"Yes... I don't really don't know what to feel about this."

"Don't think too much about how the enemy might react. However, I give you some advice, a mutant man can become a complete human again if you defeat the monster that got out of control."

"You say I just have to beat the monster until is dead?"

"Not until he is dead. Just between dead and alive."

"You mean knocked-out?"


After Fiona grabbed those rabbits, she was putting them into the backpack and then both of us left this place to head to our bunker, but right when we were about to leave the area, we heard a few human screams. Fiona and I stopped abruptly, listening for a moment to those screams of people that resounded more with terror than those screams you hear at the festival or a very big wedding. Fiona, who took her armour and sword on her, looks at me and says in a serious voice.

"It looks like we have some work to do."

"Damm right," I said to Fiona while I put that backpack with dead rabbits into a tree. "That tree is good enough?"

"It is. Now let's go!"

I took my wand from the belt and I cast a spell that would make us much faster. The spell I cased is called "Run, Boy, Run!" and this one makes me and some people who are close to me much faster than a carriage that has eight horses. I and Fiona ran for approximately a few seconds until we arrived at a cliff which has a nice landscape, but down there was a village, which is on fire.

"Do you think they could be the enemy army?"

"Of course," says Fiona taking her sword from the sheath behind her strongly feminine and full of scars. "Our army would never attack innocent people who have no business in our war."

I opened my spellbook for searching for a spell that could help us in this situation. In the village, almost every building was on fire, I saw some young people, even children at my age or younger laying on the street. Fiona was about to rush there, but I stopped her, which would probably lead to suicide, but I told Fiona.

"Should I use that spell?"

"Do you mean the vampire one?" asked Fiona feeling kinda nervous. "No. It is too risky for a boy at your age, besides, I have an idea. You stay there..." Fiona points at a tree not far from the village and from here. "And you shot the enemy using your spells, while I try to destroy all of them. Alright?"

"Yes," I respond to Fiona feeling bad because I have to stay in one place just to offer her support if someone attacks her from behind or if somebody will try to make a distance attack.