Fighting Squad Perspective - Part 7

Later on, in the house those six Romanian knights are staying for a while, Josh has told the others what Julius was doing and what he found out. The other four knights where disgust by this thing. And when Julius arrives at the old lady home, with the little girl having a big scar on her face, the old lady almost fainted at this.

"What happened there?" asks Camille to Julius who is handing the young child to the old lady who is escorting her to the old lady bedroom to try to make her feel better and also try to make the injury disappear by using manual methods instead of magic because the old lady it is not magician like other people.

"Three knights wanted to kill a lady because she refused them. So, I took the matters in my hand and killed those knights, and do you know who were those three knights. They were the ones who we encountered a while ago at the Tavern... Well, a part of them."

"And you killed them?"


Camille raises her hand, but not to slap Julius, she says to him.

"Gimme five!"

And Julius has done a high-five with Camille, while the others were impressed by Julius actions. They do not seem impressed when they have first seen him, but now, they are starting to consider him a great man with a great heart and also a man who knows what is good and bad. Saving a little girl from those disgusting knights it something incredible, knowing the fact that these knights are just some people who got there by their parent's money and value.

A few minutes later, everyone has decided to go to bed, but Lucian and Louis have decided to stay outside a little bit because they have to protect this home, in case someone is going to attack them like some scumbags and dishonourable warriors. Lucian got his mace ready for everything and Louis is just standing on the log with his wand ready to launch a great spell into the enemies if they have ever come. These two are standing outside for a few minutes most until they fall asleep on the grass with their own weapons on the hands. But luckily, nobody was thinking to attack them, not after the things have happened earlier with those knights and the ones who got butchered by one single one.


Meanwhile, on the fronts at the border of the Turkish Empire and Kingdom of Romania, the little army which consists mostly of Moldovian warriors and a few Romanian warriors, including Roger, the knight who had been the butler of a ragged nobleman named Fernando, who is now serving his sentence in the Kingdom cell. These knights are hiding into some destroyed buildings, who are still standing though because the enemy is using one of the most mortal types of weapons used in this world to kill anybody, poison arrows. The Turkish Empire is launching a considerable amount of those arrows to the army which is guided by a guy named Tudor because he is the one who has been in most battles, a great tactician and also his father was one of the greatest General of the Moldovia Army, Stefan The Dragon.

While the enemy was launching another wave of those arrows, which was eight this night, Stefan has decided to try and do something to make his army move. Now, his army has a few mages, but they are weak in powers because the Moldovia Kingdom relies much more upon pure strength instead of magic stuff. So, Stefan is telling to those nine mages from his team.

"I've got an idea. Why don't you, all nine of you launch a spell to them."

"What kind of spells?" asks one of those nine knights their leader.

"Something huge, and who can cause damage to their army." says the leader of this army. "I do not know, I have never studied the magic stuff. But you nine doesn't know an efficient speel who can launch a giant orbital sphere who can destroy an army with poison arrows?"

"Try Fireball," says Roger who is laying on the wall and waits. "One little wizard always used that spell to capture a few reanimated animals."

"Reanimated animals?" asks one of those nine mages being impressed. "How old is the wizard?"

"I think he got ten years if I remember it."

Everyone was kinda shocked at this information, but then, mages have decided to take Roger tip and use that spell which can help them to advance. Now, a thing about some mages, that not many of them are like Judah who studying and reading novels about magic and stuff from the beginning of life, or has at them a spellbook, some of them have just been born with magic which is using rarely or another type of people, who are trying to forget they have magic in their veins and using their pure strength to fight.

The mages have taken a position on the first floor and they have decided to shot some fireballs by using wands, hands or staffs. They shot nine fireballs into Turkish territory, which have landed successfully and destroyed their improvised walls made by trees and rocks. And when the walls where destroying, their cannons with poison arrows were destroyed too.

A few fighter and Roger start to run from the place and charge to the Turkish enemies who some of them have retreated from there, but a few of them, maybe ten, have the courage to fight back. But today was their lousy news because they got immediately killed by Roger weapon and other three muscular warriors. They have beat those knights so bad, that some of them have died and two of them, have just got a few broken bones.


The Moldovian Army and Roger have continued to march forward until they arrive on Turkish Capital, where the Emperor is in his own castle, and he is looking terrified at his book who can predict the future. He saw on the book a paragraph which is written: "The Moldovian Army marches forward, destroying the walls, taking down the whole army without no problem and also liberating some slaves. And those six warriors from Romania will arrive later when this Empire was already ruined by those knights, and they will saw the Emperor gone from his castle."

The Emperor knows the distance between the Turkish and Moldovian fight and it is not very far from the castle, so he decides to send all of his knights left into the territory where Moldovian are coming to get him and seize him. While he was telling one of his commanders what to do, he responded to him.

"We do not have enough men, sir. They got pretty beaten up by those six warriors."

"Curses!" says The Emperor to one of his commander. "Then sends the rest there and gave to them all of the powerful weapons we got."

"Yes, Majesty!" says the commander who is running downstairs to alert the other knights that a fight has already come and they have to protect the Emperium to get seized and destroyed.

When the commander has left the Emperor bedroom, Turkish Emperor has decided to lay on the bed and try to get some sleep. He got comfy real fast and he has already fallen asleep in just mere minutes. While the Emperor was sleeping, a little and weak squall of wind has entered the palace windows and they have moved one page of the "Future Book", and on the next page, it shows an image instead of a text. An image that shows three big knights, who are on a big pirate boat, are in a front of the portal, a big black hole, located in the middle of an ocean, and bellow the image it gets written on thing: "Colliding.".


On the next day, in the village who is at most twenty kilometres from the Empire, our six knights from the Kingdom our Main Character is living, they have already wake up, took their belongings and decide to walk to the Empire, but before when they were about to leave they said their goodbyes to the old lady and to the young child, whose name is apparently Elizabeth. And after they said their goodbyes and thanks for the old lady by letting them stay there, they are walking to the path which will lead those six knights into the empire.

A few minutes later, those six knights, have left the village and they got greeted by a bird who has stopped on a log and chirruped at them, it looks like the bird got attached at one of her legs a piece of parchment with an important message written. Camille has taken the message from that bird, and she has started to read loudly to all of those warriors there who are listening to Camilles reading.

"We are approaching the walls! Be careful on your way there! There are some knights and other powerful fighters who are waiting for you. Signed by, Roger!"

"Roger?" asks Julius. "Who is this guy?"

"A reliable guy who has helping Judah catches a noble." says Josh.

"Judah?" asks Gabriel. "The little kid?"


"That kid must be powerful." says Julius. "Catching a noble, eh?"

"Who was passed by a Spiwolf, though." continued to say Josh which made all the rest of those five knights quite impressed about this kid named Judah.

"Well." says Julius. "Whoever the young fella is, I am impressed by his courage."

"It is Fiona's squire." says Camille after a while when those six knights were continued their way to the Empire.

"I see." says Julius who is feeling quite scarred when Camille mentioned Fiona, like almost every experienced warriors or knights when that name is mentioned.