Fighting Squad Perspective - Part 8

A few moments later, these seven warriors have reached their checkpoint, another village who is looking quite abandoned. That village is at eight kilometres destination to the Empire and our seven knights have decided to enter the village to see what was happening. It is unusual for a village who it is not at a very big distance from and Empire or Kingdom, or even a city, to be abandoned and with no habitats, well human habitats.

These seven knights while they were walking into the village, they found some houses destroyed partially, or other building who were tear down like nothing. The taverns were also destroyed and they were in the buildings, and even outsides, some skeletons which mean that these are here for a long time. Josh and Camille investigate an abandoned home, to see what it is inside, while the other five knights investigated the rest of this village to see how it is holding up, and if it can be still a place for humans or half-humans to live in peace.

In the house Josh and Camille were investigating, Josh has decided to ask Camille.

"Do you think someone still lives here? This looks kinda..." he takes a look at those spiderwebs on the tables and at the damaged things from there, and a few animal skeleton corpses laying on the ground. "Creepy."

"... Whatever lives here, must be just a lonely man who is living in just one house." says Camille searching in a little library the owner of this house has possessed or continue to possess.

"Yeah. Let's hope it is just a lonely man who lives in another house."

Camille investigates some books from that small library, while Josh is going upstairs on the first floor. While Josh was climbing those old stairs he is feeling quite scared because he is terrified when he enters abandoned building or when he just walks past by.


When he was a little boy, his friends pranked him to go into an abandoned house because there is a little girl who was calling him, but when Josh has entered the house, his friends have closed the door and let Josh stays there for a while until he will learn his lesson to not throw sticks into someone or rocks at someone head.

And he says in that house for a while, because he was trying to find an alternative to exit this building, but he didn't. Backdoor was busted, windows were barricaded with metal and planks, and even the basement, was closed by a huge pile of rocks who were placed there for some reasons. He then decided to go at his friends and pled to let him leave this abandoned house, but they were laughing at him, they were laughing at his friend begging to leave the house but after a few minutes of begging, Josh has suddenly stopped.

Inside the house, there was someone, but it was not a human being, nor a ghost. No, in the house, there is a giant reptile who is looking like it is an alligator, but one who resembles a species named Crocodylus intermedius knows as Orinoco crocodile. This reptile has a quite massive dimension, a mouth with some missing teeth and also one red and one blue eye who were looking at Josh soul. has all over his body swords who are stabbed all over his massive and hard body. That reptile saw Josh being and the door and who is looking scared at him. Our adventurer did not understand why is this huge reptile here, but he does not want to ask, he wanted to leave this abandoned home immediately. He knocks the door, but when he knocks, the reptile has suddenly screamed at him for no reason.

Then Josh friends, hearing the reptile screaming, have finally realized the mistake they have done and they act quickly by unlocking the door. They took down the log they put there to block the door and opened the door. And when the door was opened, Josh was running from there as fast as possible, while his friends were on his way.

When these kids have left the abandoned house, which is now the territory of a huge alligator, the door is suddenly shut by themselves and also that thing has to happen to the gates of this house.

Josh has not stopped running until he has arrived home, and he has decided to throw himself into bed and remain there for quite a long time. That thing has terrified John until this day, but today, it will be different because Josh is now a mature man who can even destroy a huge rat who is throwing blades from his tail.


On the first floor, Josh saw there just a normal and old garret. He is walking into that room filled with crates, some clothes, logs and also some damaged weapons. While he is walking into that garnet, he decides to open a crate and search it, to see what does this crates hide. But to his surprise there were just some parchment texts who were useless, they do not contain pieces of stuff about what is happening there or about this place, just some useless pieces of paper written in an unknown language. Josh decides to investigate other crates but he found there something similar, clothes parchment with an unknown language and also founds a few bowls made by using the wood material.

After he has finished searching all of these crates, he leaves the garret and goes downstairs. While he was climbing down the stairs he has asked Camille in a loud voice.

"Have you found anything?"

"No. Nothing important." says Camille when Josh arrived on the ground.

"Texts in an unknown language?"

"Well... It was a book who contains it." she hands the Josh a book which contains those unknown languages and he is starting to take a quick look to see what it is about. The rest is just some novels in our language or Britking language. Whoever lives here, must be a reader, because I found there some interesting novels."

Josh arrived at one page of a book who is just showing a piece of parchment which is placed between the pages. The takes that piece of parchment out and he undoes the piece of parchment to the original shape and he founds there a message written in the Romanian language which it says: "Do not look at the deer head. Bad things will happen to you!" and after Josh has that piece he is handing to Camille which she reads it and she puts on the pocket.

"What do you think he is talking about?" asks Josh.

"Beats me." says Camille. "What did you find upstairs, though?"

"Junks. A lot of junks."

"I see. Well, we better get going."

"Yes. Of course."

These two are leaving the abandoned house. Josh has left the house carrying that book with an unknown language because this one might help them in the future or if one of those six knights could read this unknown language, if not, he will have to apply to a librarian from his Kingdom.

When Josh and Camille have left the house, their comrades were not there waiting there, they have continued to search in this village for someone or some important information. Josh asked Camille if they can stay and here and wait for them, but Camille wanted to investigate other houses, and Josh has decided to go along with her, in case something bad will happen and Camille will need a hand. Both of them have decided to investigate the house from the other part of the street.