Fighting Squad Perspective, Part 14

On the tunnels which are located underground of the Empire, two people are walking into them. The guy who's name is Roger doesn't have a vague idea about this kind of tunnel, but the lady assassin, who is guiding the way into the darkness, has told him that these tunnels might help him to find what the kingdoms are looking for.

"What are these tunnels used for, anyway?"

"For helping peasants who are not guilty." responds the mysterious lady to Roger's request while she is guiding the way to the place she has to show to Roger. "We are very close to that place."

"What do you mean we are close to that place? I cannot see anything."

"Just follow me and you will see it." says the assassin lady which sounds kind of upset because of Roger who has started to ask her questions.

Roger decides to leave these questions alone and he continues to follow the assassin lady which will guide him into a room from this underground. While the lady was guiding him to that place, outside the giant has destroyed almost the entire army, letting the captain and other soldiers leave.


On the Tavern, all of these seven warriors are in their chambers and start sleeping in their beds and rooms, which have been taken by them for this night. While the other five warriors were sleeping, Josh and Camille were in their rooms and they are in bed, together, completely naked and also exhausted after this "massage".

"It was really great," said Camille holding Josh's arm and with the other hand, she is covering his small chest.

"Yeah... I cannot believe it. Being in a relationship with a girl much tougher than me." says Josh who is heavily breathing after this big match.

"Well... You are tough too."

"In bed, right?"

"Right," she said that while she is smiling at Josh. "You know, I really want a second round."

"Well..." says while he is looking at his man treasure. "It looks like we will have to wait for a whi-"

Suddenly, something which can be characterized as a scream was heard outside of this Tavern. Camille has quickly left the bed and start taking her clothes she wore every day under her heavy armor, and also Josh has left his bed and started to dress into his casual clothes. After that, these two left the room and saw their teammates, which also have left their room.

"What's happening?" asks Camille at the warrior named Gabriel.

"Something big is coming." says while he is transforming his hands into frozen fists.

"I can hear that. What is it?"

Then, Lucian has entered the Tavern, and start looking around after he saw people who were panicking around the Taven and start hiding wherever they could or running into their chambers and hiding there. Lucian saw his teammates who are leaving the first-floor bu taking the stairs and they are rushing to him.

"What is happening?" asks Gabriel to Lucian which seems quite scary.

"We are attacked by a Giant," says Lucian, who is pointing with his head outside.

"Oh, Hell!" says Fred who is leaving the Dining Room. "Can't a man eat his midnight dinner in peace?"

"Fred. We have to face a Giant," says Gabriel to Fred after Camille and Josh are running into helping the ones into this Tavern. "And both of us have to go there and start fighting him."

"But is cold outside." winning Fred to his best friend which is starting to be pissed.

"YOU are literally a human-fire element for God's sakes!"

"Oh... I forgot about that."

"Quit being a retard and help us already!" says Lucian to Fred who is going outside and prepare his sword.

"Ugh... Fine." says after he creates a giant hammer made out of the fire and leaves the Tavern in a fast peace because he doesn't want to burn something in there. "I hope this will be worth it."


After a few mere minutes of walking, Roger and that mysterious lady arrive in a room which is covered in a few torches put around the walls. In that room, there are several weapons in a weird shape design and having some weird models which do not even belong to this world. The mysterious lady enters the room and walks into the middle, and Roger is following her steps. After she arrived in the middle, she stopped and turned around to Roger.

"What is this room?" asks Roger to that mysterious lady.

"The reason your nobles want this part of the Empire." says after she puts the torches in a hole on the floor and raises his left hand which is covered by a metal object who is shining. "Light it up."

After she said that, a big ball of light has left that "glove" and stays on the ceiling which gives a better vision of the room. Now Roger can finally see the differences in those weapons which are all of them unknown and also known to him. For example, there is that crossbow that has a giant arrow that measures almost two and a half meters on the launching spot. And also an ax which is made entirely in gold and has some weird emblem. And as a final example, there is a set of gloves made out of iron and has some sharp things on their fingers. Roger was curious and also overwhelming at these kinds of weapons.

"What is the deal with these weapons?"

"These weapons belong only to the chosen ones." responds the mysterious lady which is going to a table with swords and takes from there a big one and which resembles one with mysterious crystals on them. "Like this one."

While she is walking with that sword to Roger, the sword has started shining, and Roger had no idea about this one, but the mysterious lady has started to smile while she was walking with that sword to him.

"It looks like you are the chosen one."

"Excuse me?" asks Roger who is confused there.

"You have to take this." she says while handing that sword to Roger.

"Why do you mean by taking it? Is this some kind of trap?"

"No it is not. You see, all of these people are hating the Emperor, but I have no business with him because I am the keeper of these weapons. Nobody could come here without my permission or entering this place, only I can do this by using some ancient magic which is inherited from generations... You see, my family job it is to give these weapons to the chosen ones, for free, because they are the only ones who can use these weapons and taking care of them. And you, you are the chosen one of this sword."

"What is this sword?" asks Roger after he takes the sword on his hill and the shining is starting to disappear slowly.

"This sword has a name. Agata Sword and this one can even slay a giant with two slashes. And also this one can teleport you after you throw it somewhere because of the connection this weapon is having with his user."

"So... You give me this weapon for free, just because I'm some kind of chosen one guy and also you will let me leave this place."

"With a condition. Tell your king that the room is looking does not belong to him."

"But how come he knows about this room or any other nobles?"

"Because my family was your Kings, but that was before the incident has to happen."

"What incident?"

"It doesn't matter... Now, you have to promise me you will never tell anyone about this thing, or I will hand a curse to this sword."

"This sword is cursed?" asks Roger who has quickly dropped the sword onto the floor.

"No. not yet. But if you tell anyone it will be... understand?"

"... Yes, ma'am." says Roger after a long pause while he takes the sword he takes a quick look at this one and she is looking at the lady. "By the way, from where are those weapons?"

"I don't know exactly where they are coming from. There are some portals which are opening around the world and they come from different worlds or something like that."

"I see." he takes a look at the hallway he took to come here, and then he looks at the lady.

"You can go." she said after she takes off her hood and she shows her face which is totally blind and also some marks her forehead which resembles a few crosses burned on her. "Your fighting squad need you."

"Alright... Thanks, and I will not tell him about this place."

"... gods be on your side, Roger."

"Same thing to you, Lady." says Roger to the lady and then he is running into the hallway while he is carrying his new sword made by different types and crystals and also an ability to teleportation.

While Roger was running from this place, the old lady has started to vanish like a cloud of dust which is taken by the wind and the lights from that room have suddenly started to shut down, including the weird lighting sphere which was launched from her weird looking glove.