Fighting Squad Perspective - Part 15

Roger has left that secret room, and after he did that, the secret entrance has closed and has camouflaged with the wall structure. After the secret entrance has fully been closed, Roger has taken a quick look at the sword and he is trying to remember what does the mysterious woman has told him about this sword. The only thing he can remember it is the ability this sword posses which can help the one who controls it to teleport it.

So, Roger is checking around I'm to be sure nobody is there and tries to assassinate him, but the luck was on his side because most of the enemy warriors were on the Empire and celebrating the defeat of one man, and also fighting each other because Roger heard some pain screaming and also war screaming, but he decides to ignore the situation there and focus on other things. He takes out the sword from the sheath he was in and he observed that the sharp side has some weird symbols which resemble a few triangles, in their interior being a few circles and in those circles are located a small circle filled in black colour.

Roger has looked at the hilt of this sword, and he observed that he saw a weird symbol, but he can determine what this symbol means because the hilt of this sword is black with brown and also the night has not vanished yet. Roger decides to overlook the emblem on the hilt and throws his new blade at a short distance. He took some force and started to throw his weapon at a short distance where the sword got thrown, Roger started to feel weird for a few seconds, like something was rushing inside his veins. And before he was about to say something, he suddenly appeared next to the sword. At first, he got scared because a sword can actually do these things. He has heard about swords and other weapons with powers but never heard about a weapon who can actually do these teleportations. Roger got impressed and grinned because he has finally found his perfect weapon which can help him take down the Emperor. But for now, he is running into the direction that giant was going and tries to take him down before he will hurt someone.


Twelve minutes later, Lucian was sent flying by that Giant into the rooftop of the Tavern. He seems like punching his belly was not effective and it is quite an impressive reflector or trampoline in modern times. Louis, seeing his big brother being flown away, he runs closer to that giant and launched a "Shotgun" spell to him, but this, has not worked, in fact, he did hurt him, but not very serious to a giant who measures almost five meters tall. The giant saw Louis and he just casually heavily breath at him and he makes him fly to a few meters from the Tavern into a river.

His comrades were trying to do something at stopping that Giant to come closer to the Tavern and putting him down, but they didn't do it properly. Julius was trying to send him flying by using gravitational force, but this Giant mass was way too heavy to be sent flying away, and also if he did that, an earthquake would most likely occur and destroy their place they are staying overnight.

"Damm! This Giant it is hella good." says Fred who is throwing another fireball, but the Giant just endure it like it was just some dirt who has hit humanoid faces.

"We have to do something!" says Gabriel who is launching an ice ray to the Giant legs to stop him advancing and putting him in one place. "And fast!"

"How about we jump on him again?" asks Lucian who came back from the rooftop and with his sword ready to slain that giant, even though it will be impossible because not even Fiona sword could do that.

But right at that moment, the giant was about to throw a fist into them, from a big distance, the fist could've killed all of them, but then something has protected them from that attack, and the thing who have protected them was a shield sphere. When the giant has hit that sphere with his mighty fist, he has cracked but did not broke it. The only person who could create such sphere it is a wizard or mage, but the only mages they have in their team are Julius and Louis. And the one who did make that sphere was not Louis, it is Julius at a big distance from them. The giant takes his hand back, he sees the person who has protected the ones who were about to be blown away and jumps a second fist to that person, who was about to launch a gravitational sphere to the giant hand, blowing away and making the fight easier. But the giant did a dirty trick, he retracted his hand he hit Julius with a powerful kick when the kick was at a close distance to him, he did notice he changed the way of attack and he launched the sphere in other direction instead of his kick. The giant has hit him so hard that he was sent flying into the Tavern.

Julius was sent flying into the walls of that Tavern at a high speed, he was trying to use a shield on him, but it was too late to launch it because he has already hit the walls and a few backbones have cracked and a few ribs got broken.

"GARARAGAGAGHH!" yelled Julius while was spitting blood from his mouth and starts to lose consciousness.

"Julius!" yelled Josh who was inside and protecting the people there. "Are you fine?"

Julius did not respond, but Josh realize that the question he was asking it was idiotic and dumb, but it was human instincts. Josh leaves the people there and goes outside to see how does Julius is, but he doesn't say much because of the darkness and also he could fell some blood around his body, so the things are pretty bad for Julius.

His teammates have seen Julius who was launched into that Tavern, and they are running there to see Julius conditions. Gabriel and Fred instead of going to and help Julius, they are trying to stop that Giant in any way possible. Gabriel launched a big ball covered in ice to the Giant who just uses his fist to break it. Fred is launching a big ray of fire to the Gaint who is trying to catch it, but then he avoided because he has started to burn his hands.

"You Fool!" says the Gaint who is looking angry at Fred and decides to kick it like it was some sort of dog who was trying to bite his leg.

Fred has launched a sphere into the foot of that Gaint, but this did not stop it, and the kick has landed on Fred chest who has sent him close to the Tavern. He landed on the grass, but he got a few broken ribs because of that huge kick he got. He was trying to move but he got hurt so bad and he has started to fall into a deep sleep.

"FRED!" yelled Gabriel who is abandoning fight and he is going to help his teammate. "Come on, Fred! What... what?" he saw a huge cut on the chest and the blood has started to leave from there, that cut was so huge, that he could've cut him in half. "Holy shit!"

Gabriel has quickly decided to try and cover the cut by using the power of ice, but when he was trying to cover the cut with ice, the ice was melting and entering his cut, which has made Fred screaming of pain and also sweat lava from his forehead.

"You humans are weak!" yelled the Gaint. "I am huge! You cannot stop me!"

"They maybe cannot!" says Roger who is running to the Giant with his sword who can help him teleport it and he is stopping at a considerable distance to that huge fighter. "But I have a chance!"

The Gaint saw Roger there, at twelve meters distance from him. The Gaint also saw the sword and he has started to tremble it for a reason. Nobody from there saw him trembling because of the night and also everyone besides Roger was occupied at other things, like trying to save Julius and Fred lives.