A conversation with a star

I passed out and thought to myself... "This is it. my end into this world. I will finally be with my parents I never had the chance to talk with them properly, nor the chance to meet again my colleagues from the Orphanage. Or to see Fiona, Diana, my uncle, and auntie again in this life... I just hope they will be fine without me and be happy...". But, before I was about to end my thought, something told me in this black space I am floating.

"You gotta wake up."

"H-Huh?" I asked.

"You gotta wake up."

"W-Who is talking?"

"You gotta wake up."

I looked around, while I was floating in this dark space, and I saw something on my left side, a light. A white light, who was shinning and floating in this dark space. Is this one of the near-death experiences I was reading in a novel where dead people got reincarnated into another world. If this was the case, then I just want to have the life I was about to achieve in my past life. A quiet life, without having a worry in the world by fates, having a family who is alive and well and living in peace.

"You got hit pretty hard, young man." says an unknown voice who is an is coming from this dark room.

"Where are you?" I asked the voice while I am looking around freaked out. "Am I dreaming or I did die?"

"You are not dead." says the unknown voice who I could feel that it is getting closer. "You are on the world between living and dead."

"So... This means what a single thing... What does it mean?"

"You are about to enter the world of the dead souls and remain there for eternity." says the voice who is from the star who is getting closer to me, and when he arrived at a few steps from me, it asked me a question: "Do you want to know your destiny and die, or you wanted to live and discover your destiny?"

"So. I do have a destiny?"

"Every human being has a destiny, Judah. Diana wanted to become a useful member of her kingdom. Fiona wanted to become the strongest knight of the kingdom. And your uncle, Big Gus, wanted to see you become a strong person."

"M-My uncle... Wanted to see me become a strong person?"

"Yes. And you are going to be one day."


"If I tell you... You are never going to become one. Your destiny would change if you wanted to revive and run for that goal." The star has started to shine much more, and he asks me another question: "Do you want to see your parents? I could arrange that, but even if you will choose to go into the dead world, you will not be allowed to meet them again. You will be all by yourself in this dead world."

I look scared at that star, wondering about the choices I could make. If the things he said are true then, I could be able to live forever, but alone, and without ever seeing my parents again. There is also a second choice which I could see my parents, and then I will be sent back to my world, the one of living. After a few moments of thinking about the choices, the voice from the star asked.

"So, you do want to see them, or go into the dead world and rest forever?"

"I want to see them. One last time before I will head to the living world if it will be possible." I said to that star.

"It is possible since this is your last reborn."

"Reborn? What do you mean?"

"You are a wizard, right? There is one spell that only wizards have access to, and this one it triggers when one of them is close to dying, and that person it is you. You got stabbed by Yuri Alveronzo in the back while you were running with the small animal to your knight." he said that while he was checking a parchment that probably contains my last moment before I got hit by that throwing knife. "The wound was big. And enough to kill you, but since you are a wizard, and you have the second chance since, I think you could be sent back to the world, but you must be careful now. This second chance spell only happens one time in a lifetime. If the next time you die, you will be sent back to me, and this time, you'll go directly to the dead world."

"I see. So... My mother has also lost her second chance right?"

"... She didn't have a second chance, to begin with. this spell can only be at wizard and mages chosen by the gods, and you, young wizard. You might be one of those who will help this world become something good."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You will see. Now, before I gotta sent you to talk with your parents for a while, I have to tell you about the dreams you always have, if you are curious."

"Yes. tell me about them. Why I do have them?"

"Because you are one of the mages who can contain future dreams. This type of spell only happens to the mages who can see the future, but in the following years, it has started to happen too much more mages and wizards, such as you. But your type of dreams cannot see your future, just other people's future, since that one time while you were at war."

"My dreams can see someone's future and be them?"

"You can see their future, but you cannot change their future. Now you will have to remember that when the most important moment of your life will come. For now, enjoy those moments with your parent's souls, before I will send you back to the mortal's world."

And he disappears in a few mere seconds, leaving me in a completely dark room.


A few moments later, two ghosts, who look as my parents have got closer to me, they were hugging me. I didn't felt their warmth, nor could try to hold them, but I could feel their sadness. I wish those bastards wouldn't come to my house, and attacked my parents... They have paid for their actions… for now.

Now, before I was about to leave this dark world between death and alive, the ghost of my mother told me an important thing.

"Do not go into the basement... That place it is cursed, my dear son."

"I promise I will never go there," I told her, and then my father looked at me.

"And promise that you will protect anyone dear to you."

"I will father."

And then, slowly, my parent's ghosts have faded away. While they were faded, I was crying, since this will probably be my last time when I will see my parents in this form, talk to them, and somehow feeling their touch.

Later on, I wake up in the real world, in a bed, in the other room, who is the one where the people who got sick or injured got sent to treat their wounds by professionals mages. Now, when taking a quick look around, I see on the door Diana, who has come to me with a few bandages, and she dropped them. She looks shocked, and with tears in her eyes, she jumped on me, hug me, and told me that she is feeling sorry for the things she has done. I told her.

"I... I forgive it... But... How long I was asleep?"

"Two weeks."

"Two weeks? Is the festival over?"

"I am afraid it is. Now, you are back in the kingdom."

"W-Where is Fiona?"

"She got sent into war. Without you."

"W-What happened to the one who stabbed me?"

"He got killed. By Fiona's hand."

"I-I see... I am sorry."

"For what?" she asks me.

"For not dodging that knife, and making every one of that family of yours worried."

"Don't say it, Judah. That was an accident. It wasn't your fault."

We stayed there for a while, and then, a doctor entered the room, saw me, and Diana there. That doctor looked quite familiar, and right when I was about to ask his name, the doctor told me.

"Good morning, Judah! I am Louis Flint! You probably remember me from the war, right?"

"I do. Are you a doctor?"

"Yeah. I am a doctor, and also a warrior," he says while he walks to the other side of my bed, and he is using his healing magic to heal my wounds.


"It is, and I must say, you are a strong warrior."

"It really is." says Diana, who is looking happy at me, then she asks the doctor. "So. When he can walk from here?"

"Two more days, ma'am."


"... So, how is your brother doing?"

Louis is looking at me, with a face that could mean only bad news.

"My brother... Got married."