Filler Chapter: Esmeralda and Lucian

After the war was over, Brothers Flint has gone to their ways in life. These two are warriors of this kingdom, but they do another useful thing in this kingdom. As Louis, who is a respected healer of this kingdom, who si treating almost every citizen of this kingdom who needs to heal his wounds since some mages are requiring a big amount of coins, only to heal a minor wound. Louis is doing this job for free since he is a warrior. But his brother, Lucian, got another job. He is working as a shepherd. A respected job to the villagers around this land.

Now, these two brothers continue to live together cause owning a house in the kingdom, or in a village, costs much, plus, the lands which people or peasants are owning are much more expensive than hiring Fiona as a bodyguard in an important event. And this offer is 200 gold coins for those interested but having a bodyguard like Fiona means one thing... You are really in grave danger.

Anyway, after Lucian has finished his first day as a shepherd, he was going to a Tavern close to his hometown, and there he wanted to drink half of his first salary. Now, the costs of a drink in a Tavern it is balanced, but the thing about them is that most of the people who go there, and drink are most likely ending in a drunk state where they either end up sleeping outside in the dirt or sleeping at a succumbs who will most likely rape them until they will die.

After Lucian entered the Tavern, he saw a few neighbors of him there, who are sitting at a table and drinking. Since he comes alone here, he goes to that table, he greets them and then he looked at the bartender, who is coming to him to take out his order. Now, that bartender is not the usual Lucian is seeing every day, because this one is a woman, who came from Bratislava, a village who is situated on a dark territory where not even Fiona would be able to defeat the monsters there without Judah or anyone help.

Now, the lady who is working at that Tavern looks gorgeous. She got a beautiful face, a nice back, and a soft chest which will make almost everyone feeling like they grabbed a cloud with angles. and her lips, are much brighter and reddish than a cherry in mid-summer. That girl was looking so good, not even those two Lunderberg sisters would match her and this situation will be questionable because those two sisters are more like tomboys than a princess who is coming from the darkest forests in the entire world.

"What would you like to order, sir?" she says in such a beautiful voice to Lucian and made him feel awkward because he has never seen such a beautiful girl in his entire life.

"U-U-Um... I like a beer, pleas-please." says Lucian who is feeling like a teenager who had his first erection in public.

"Sure, mister adventurer." she says the woman in a way that made Lucian having his face red.

after the female bartender left the table to go and give Lucian a drink, one of his neighbors, who is three years younger than him than fatter than him, raises one of his eyebrows and tells him without being heard by anyone close to their table.

"You love her, ey?"

"What?" says Lucian shaking his head for a few seconds. "No. I do not love her."

"Oh, you adore her, ey?" says the other neighbor that is the same age as Lucian but much weaker.

"No, Billy. I... I... Don't know." he says to them and all those two of those neighbors are feeling like girls when one of their best friends is having a crush on someone.

When the woman came back to their table, with the order, Lucian, who was quickly trained by one of his neighbors on how to seduce a girl, tells her a line that will probably make her fall in love with him. But when he was about to talk to her, he got quite nervous and he said another line instead of that one his friend told him.

"I'd like to stick my sword in your stone!"

And the woman, who did not believe this man said this thing in front of her face, slapped his face and leave the table infuriated that someone wanted to stick his ding-dong into her booty. Those neighbors are looking at his friend, Lucian, feeling sad, but one of them said.

"It could've been worse."


A few days later, in a forest close to Bazau, Lucian was doing his second job, which consisted of guiding his sheep he is taking care of into an area with food. And sheep are most likely eating grass, and drinking water and that forest have everything. So, Lucian Flint is letting the sheep eating and drinking water, and he stays close to a tree, relaxing and looking at the blue sky.

He stays there for a while until a lady comes from the forest. Lucian has seen that lady, and he wondered who is she and why she looks familiar, and then she remembers that this lady is the one who works at the Tavern, and also the one who slapped him after he said that nasty thing to her. Lucian is thinking to try again, but then, he saw Esmeralda, who is leaving the forest in pain. Lucian is getting up from that tree and runs to the woman to help her.

"Hey! Are you alright, lady?"

"U-Um... Y-Yeah..." she says ignoring the fact that she got a few bruises around her body and on her nose, a blood spill is running.

"What happened to yours?" asks Lucian who is looking worried at the woman.

"N-Nothing important."

"You sure? Cause these wounds don't look like they are nothing."

"I am fine."

Suddenly, a fat man, blad and who is almost naked, wearing only a pair of pants who weren't washed for a while, come from the bushes and sees Esmeralda. He is looking like a wolf who has seen a sheep, and he is licking his lips.

"Get away!" says Esmeralda to that man.

"Why would I, you cute girl?" says the man in a drunk manner.

"Hey! Leave her alone." says Lucian who forgot that this beautiful girl is at his back and she is touching his back.

"Why? Are you going to fight me you, tiny man?"

Lucian is looking at that drunk guy, with that look who would make some people feeling scared. Now, that guy would not even be a match against Lucian who is a tall man, has fought in a war and against a monster. Now this guy, who is most likely so drunk, tried to throw one of his bottle emp[ty to Lucian, but he misses and almost hit Esmeralda's head. Lucian looked at her to be sure she is alright, and he furiously jumped at that guy and throw a few punches at him until he got knocked out.

A few seconds later, Esmeralda looks thankful at Lucian and she asked him.

"Thank you. Would you want to drink a beer later this day."

"Um... Yeah..." says Lucian who is feeling quite gloomy.

And that folks, it is how Lucian has to meet Esmeralda and made her "fall in love" with him.