Spirits of the night

When the night has come upon our kingdom, we were staying in the kitchen room, at the table, eating one of the finest and healthy soups Diana has ever made to us. This soup was so delicious that, it made my belly satisfied to be alive and born into this world.

"So..." says Fiona after she finished her soup. "What are you hiding from us?"

"What do you mean?" asks Diana who is feeling busted.

"You know, big sister... You invited the guy who was your friend to our house, and you are wondering why we haven't caught him and interrogated him?"

"Wait? We would do that?" I ask Fiona, who then told me.

"We would've if we were at work, but now it is our free time."

"Alright." I responded. "For me, it doesn't seem a big deal to bring a guy into a house."

"It is a big deal since that guy is a noble, Judah!" says Fiona to me.

"I know. Nobles are assholes." I say to Fiona to confirm her intention.

"Not all are, Judah." says Diana to me.

"What about Henderson?"

"He is an asshole, but at least it is not bad as the previous king." says Diana to Fiona which made me feel curious cause I have never seen Diana talking or seeing Henderson.

A few minutes later, these two girls continue to argue about Leonard. After I finished eating the food Diana prepared, I leave the table letting the bowl on the table and heading to my room, but, when I was passing the door, I heard a knock at the door. I opened the door, and I saw at the front door our neighbour, the other one who is occupying with selling shields on Market area at his usual stall he is using for the years he was living in this Kingdom. The neighbour name is Cletus, and this one is feeling worried and scared.

"I need help, neighbours!" says Cletus in a worried and frightened tone.

"What happened?" I asked the neighbour.

"It is not your business, young man." says Cletus entering the house and heading to the room where Diana and Fiona stopped arguing when they heard the door opened.

"Cletus?" asks Fiona. "What are you doing at this hour?"

"I have a problem... With the spirits."

"Spirits?" asks Fiona. "How many are there?"

"I-I think three or four." says Cletus to Fiona, who is looking at me.

"Go to Marcus house and tell him a house is haunted by spirits. He will go and do his thing since he is an expert at hunting spirits."

"... Ill go." I say to Fiona after I take my coat, wand and runs to the main door, then continue to runs to Marcus house, which is approximately twenty houses distance from us.


A few moments later, I arrived in front of Marcus house. I saw the lights in the house, which means Marcus is awake and probably in a good shape. I go to the path that is leading to the door of this house, and I knock on the door. He opens the door. while he is almost naked and a few blue drawings on his upper body. Those drawings resemblance a few animals or a few humans. He is looking worried at Judah and he is asking him to be worried.

"Hello, Judah! Are you alright? What happened?"

"We got a problem with spirits." I say to Marcus instead of greeting him. "One of my neighbours has almost four spirits in the house, and he is really frightening."

"Everyone can be frightened when a spirit appears in your house. But what kind of spirits he encountered?"

"He didn't tell me the type, he just told me he is attacked by sports."

"Fiona send you to come here?"


"Alright." says Mike who is closing the door, he takes appropriate clothes on him ( I could see him in the window ) and he takes those two spirits axes who are releasing grey and blue auras.

We are leaving the house, we are running down the street to Fiona house, cause we have to asks Cletus what type of sports he encountered. If he doesn't know know what type of spirits he has, this might be a small mistake cause there are a lot of spirits type in this world.

A few moments later, they arrived at Fiona house. Marcus was discussing with Cletus about the spirits who are invading his house, while Fiona is going to her room, and Diana going into her workroom. I felt quite awkward standing there and looking at Marcus who is discussing with Cletus about spirits while I have no idea what is the difference between ghosts and spirits. Is there really any difference? I mean... Aren't they the same thing but from different family and causes?

These two people left the Lunderberg house, and when they did, I closed the door, locked it up and goes to the kitchen to clean it cause this week is my turn to clean the table. I take the wooden bowls from the table and start washing them with water which I took this morning when I wake up. Fiona really likes to wake up while she is washing her face with cold water, while I prefer less hot water since the cold one always makes me sneeze in the morning.

After I finished cleaning those bowls, I put their chairs at their place, stops the light at the lamp and headed to my room. But first, I put on my jacket I used to go to Marcus house and call him to help our neighbour. After that, I go to my bedroom, enter my bed and count sheep which will help me sleep much faster. I heard about that method when I was with Fiona and Gregonson on a mission to hunt a cyclop in Gharnia, a desert region where creatures of that place don't invade our world which is a good thing because these creatures are huge monsters who could cut you or eat you alive.


Meanwhile, at Cletus house. Marcus, preparing one of his axes, enters the house without a fear, while Cletus is hiding behind a tree and shaking his legs. He is really afraid of spirits.

But, when Marcus entered the house, he saw those five spirits, who are floating around the table and throwing bowls at each other. Marcus was not even that impressed since he encountered this type of ghosts almost every month. These spirits are the ones who are known as "Lucifer Servants" and these are spreading terror around them, or destroying everything around them. Or in the worst-case scenario, possessing a human and destroying his life.

Thankfully, Marcus has just thrown his axe at one of that spirits. He hit the spirit head and made him disintegrate into space. Marcus is throwing the second axe while the other was about to fly away from this house and goes into the other one. The second one hit the spirit upper body, which also made him disintegrate, but into two different parts. He runs to take those two axes, but it was too late, these spirits have already evacuated the house, and when they did that, Marcus has quickly taken from his pockets a black powder, throw all of them in one space and says the incantation.

"Benedicite, spiritus et manes! Nihil habes hic ad facere. Et mittent in domo hac quam pulvis terrae a facie maledictionis luxit. Si spiritus intrat ut hic et pati et non in mundo et mors ultra ... quam de morte!"

And then, a dark aura was manifested in the entire house for a few seconds, then, it came back as usual, like nothing was happening in this house. Marcus is leaving the house, he tells the owner of that house that everything is alright. Cletus wanted to give him money as a reward, but Marcus denied it since his work has only begun. He cannot accept that money, not until all of those scattered spirits are caught.

He leaves the Cletus house and he is headed to the one he lives at. While he was walking, he is thinking about Fiona. He has never seen her that angry before... at her own sister. Sure. He saw Fiona angry a lot of times, but never when it comes to Diana. He is thinking, what would make her so angry at his own sister until he arrived home, and when he did, he throw that thought away and concentrate on his spirits training Judah has interrupted a few moments ago.