Library of Dobrat

Two days later, I leave the building where Fiona is working as a secret "Bounty Hunter". I also work as one but I am more likely an asset to Fiona than a warrior on my own. Although mages fighting by themselves it is pretty hard since the mages, including me, do not have any physical force, only armour to protect us from punches, or arrows, but not all of them could do that, and I experienced that on my own when Gregonson has shoot bys mistake at me. At that time, Gregonson didn't know how to use the bows and arrows, so, he asked Fiona and me to help him, which was a tough day since this dude was holding the bow backwards, and hit my chest armour, but thankfully, I fully took that health potion, and got cured by the shoot in no time ( Mages cannot perform some spells of them and that includes the spells categorized as healing ).

Anyway, on this day, after I left the base, I am going to the Library, which has been opened one day ago, and it is situated close to the store where Diana and I are often delivering meat to the Butchers. The good thing about this library is the store is always opened, at the night and on day. And this a good thing since most of the times I like reading stories about adventures, action or magic adventures. And on this day, I am about to take my first book for renting.

Back then I had to buy books from the store and those were expensive as hell, and it requires a big space to store them somewhere. Now, going to a library and taking books from there is an amazing experience because you can read books at your home, send it to the library and then getting a new one. But the bad fact about this library is that you can rent a book for almost a month, which is the maximum time, the minimum is only a week.

I arrive at the front doors of the building, and while I was about to knock on the door, someone passes me and opens the door without knocking. Then, realizing that this is a big place and anyone can enter this library without remorse, I opened the door and go into the library. And my Godness, this place is much more huge than the building. I do not know what kind of spells they did or the technique, but this whole building is having like... I don't know. Nine floors with books, parchments, scrolls and even portraits drawing and small stories on the back of the painting.

"Wow." I said aloud looking at all of those huge bookshelves.

"Hello!" says the librarian who is wearing a white magician hood and having a long grey beard. "A new reader in this place it seems."

"Y-Yeah." I said to the librarian while I am feeling awkward because he is staring at me like an obsessive girl to the man of her dreams. "W-Where can I register to this place?"

"Here. Could you tell me your name, please?"

"Judah Judas Gremory."

"A Gremory?" asks the librarian not believing that I am a member of the Gremory family. "Are you related to Emily and Legron, or perhaps the best wizard his city had, Maya?"

"Yes. I am related to Maya and Emily. Maya was my mother and Emily it is my aunt."

"My Godness of knowledge!" he says dropping his books and he looks at me very deeply making me feel awkward in front of a reader who wanted to asks the librarian if he could borrow a book.


A few minutes later, the librarian and I are sitting in a room, which perhaps is the one where the man is working on some papers to administrate this place and making it work. This entire room is filled with scrolls, books and other types of paper. The librarian told me that his name is Nibor Aignag, one of the most known writers of magic discoveries in this kingdom. He is also a dear friend to my family since his grandpa was a co-worker with another family of my member, Legron. I didn't know much about this other man, just the fact that he was working together to grandpa of this man, and also, being a savage monster who killed three villages of bandits who were attacking Buzau and Arges, raping women, stealing food and money, and killing innocent people.

"So you say I am related to a crazy warrior? Does that explain the fact that I possess "Berserk" battle skill?"

"That skill?... This a family battle skill." says the librarian not feeling surprised.

"A what?"

"It a skill which is transcending from family. Legron was not the first person who got that skill... To be honest, I do not know any idea who possessed first, but that skill is unique in your family. Maybe some other family members have that skill and you do not know the rest of them, correct?"


"So... How many family members you know so far, Judah?"

"It is Big Gus, Emily, and that guy who died you mentioned earlier. Also my parents."

"Say... You do not know about the other related members of your family who performed washing blood ritual and changing their blood family?"

"What is that ritual and why they would do that?"

"Because most of your family members are dying at a young age. And this is a curse to your family, but it is also a blessing since most of that family are formidable warriors and mages. But, fate has always been cruel to Gremory. Your family was probably at the age of twenty-six when they born to you if my memory recalls corectly. That it is the highest age when someone was surviving in your family."

"... I could die... at a young age?" I asked being frightened by the thing this librarian says earlier about me. "B-But there is no way I could avoid that fate?"

"There is only one way and that it is by changing your blood, of course, this comes with a cost and that one includes all of your memories, going into the Devil himself. And when you got your memories deleted, you cannot remember anyone, not your family, friends, the Orphanage you were reisen at and other important memories. The last one is by surviving, and this one has always failed your family."

"But. My uncle Gus and Emily are still alive and healthy. They could conquer a higher age, right?"

"If fate would want to do that... But do not worry about this Judah... Everyone dies one time, but they do get reincarnated-"

"As grass, water, air and rocks." I say to the librarian who seemed impressed, and this one didn't make me feel better, but I did a fake smile to make him think that I am alright.

We stayed there for a few more hours until I take the book I wanted and headed home to read this amazing book about a girl who is going to a wizards school, and there she discovers that she can do a spell rare to other types of magicians. She can tame dragons, which is a rare ability among wizards in that world while here, it is pretty common to tame dragons.

A few moments later, I arrived back at my home, and I saw Diana, who was looking at me sad, and she asks me.

"Why are you crying, Judah?"

"I... I do not want to die." I say to Diana while I go close to that girl, who hugs me like a big sister and she tells me that everything will be okay and nobody will try to attack or kill me while they are alive.