Secret Building - Part 1

After that meeting with the man I had at the library of Dobrat, I am heading to my home, where Diana is probably going to need my help at something. But when I got home, the first thing I did was to have a breakdown at Diana, which made her feeling surprised and sad to me cause I am a child who is destined to die at a young age, and nothing will probably change this. Nothing will make me much older than my parents or as those two girls father. I will die without even be able to see my kids nor feel their presence.

Diana and I have decided to go and jump on a work, which consists only of sewing some clothes and leather materials together. This is a new task for me since I only helped Diana with carrying things and giving her tools for doing her business. Before I was about to join in her sewing work, she reached me how I can sew like a professional. On my first try, it was pretty decent since Diana told me her clothes doesn't need to be that fancy to be sold because people like us are buying anything at a low price, while nobles are paying a lot more money.

It took a few minutes to do my first shirt, and it looked good, for a peasant or a boy like in my stats. It a red colour, a good colour for someone who likes red, or the one who likes to wear the blood colour. When we finished with the other clothes, Diana and I are putting them in a small wheelbarrow and Diana gave me a parchment with an address to the place where I will deliver those clothes. I know where is the location since it is the one I bought clothes for me three weeks ago.

While I was walking to the road that is leading to that store to sell these clothes, I meet on my road, Big Gus. He saw me and hugged me so hard, that I could feel a few bones about to broke. I told him to let me down, and he did before it was too late. He apologizes for hugging me so hard and asked me.

"Have you gone to that building?"

"Not yet." I response to him because I do know at what building he is referring to. "I was thinking to wait until spring or summer will come because in winter it might be much harder."

"Alright, sounds a good idea to go into spring because that place got some harsh winter." says Big Gus. "What are you doing with that wheelbarrow?"

"I am sending there to a store where the owner would sell them and get some gold coins for the owners of the house I live in."

"Good boy. We are going to go that place later, right?"

"Yes, maybe... In a few more days. I have some stuff to do meanwhile."

"Underdstable, I even have some business to do. Knight business."

"Yes. I-I also have those businesses." I lied to him because the business I am going to do is with Fiona and those missions at the Animal Assassins guild which was founded by the royal family, and the king himself, even though he made a law which guilds are illegals.

A few seconds of talking were passing by, and I with Big Gus are going in different directions. Big Gus is going to do his business, while I am going merchant things. I got to that store, bring the clothes to the owner of the store, analyzed it carefully, and gave a lot of gold coins into a bag. After he gave me that amount of clothes he told: "Say thanks to Diana Lunderberg and if she will ever try to sell clothes at a high price, use some rare material like Dodo feathers or dragons wings in making hats.".

When I got back to my home, I told Diana the thing merchant told me, and she thanked me for delivering the clothes. She also gave me a fair amount of share from those gold coins, and with that money, I am heading to the merchants who are selling the clothes. I was not going to the one I sold clothes earlier because those clothes are expensive, instead, I was going to a cheaper store that sold clothes at a nice price, about twenty gold coins for a vest in green and three gold coins for a coat I will use as a cape-like that boy from a book I read two days ago. I also took one shirt at only one gold coin, and to be honest, this deal, was sweet. Twenty four gold coins for three pieces of clothes. If I was going to that merchant, I would've got a shirt for almost forty gold coins. After I finished my things, I am heading back to my home.

When I got back to my home, I saw Fiona, sharpening her giant sword by using a grindstone. A grindstone is a round sharpening stone used for grinding or sharpening ferrous tools. Grindstones are usually made from sandstone. Grindstone machines usually have pedals for speeding up and slowing down the stone to control the sharpening process. I came closer to her and asks her.

"Sharpening your sword, again?"

"Yes." says Fiona concentrating on the grindstone.

"Okay. Good luck." I say and leave her doing her work because using a grindstone require dexterity, concentration and precaution.

I enter the home and headed to y room, where I stored the clothes I bought with me. Then, I go to my bookshelf, take a book from there, jump on my chair made by Diana, and started reading a book called "The Mystic of Dragons.". This story is about a man who is trying his best to control a ferocious dragon. Seems a good story to me. I started reading and I could imagine the entire action of the first chapter. And without knowing, I read so much, that outside, the night has already come.

When the night came, I put the book back into the bookshelf and headed to my bed, where I will sleep for the night, and in the morning I will start a new day.