Filler Chapter: Louise Flint finds out the reason

The last filler chapter about flint family was about how Lucian Flint was able to find his love, a beautiful woman named Esmeralda, who is working in a Tavern on the village Henedoara, a nice village where you can have a big income in agriculture if you own a proper land, but these brothers are not working on the agriculture... Well, Lucian is working as a shepard, so I guess this can count on this world.Louise is just minding his magic things and knight duties, but hey, both of them need a source of income to create a bigger house, but in Lucian case, to buy a bigger house since he is about to get married at any moment with a "beautiful women" named Esmeralda.

This made Louise concerned because his brother, Lucian, is not the most romantic guy he ever knew, and a girl falling in love for him, would not happen overnight. Hell, not even in a week would be possible. And to mary him in only a short period of time? Louise thought of this: "This is pure fantasy! A girl would marry a guy, not even if he was a noble man. There is something about this relationship which didn't taste and smell good."


On a sunny day (the day when Judah has also found out about Animal Assassins), in a village called Henedoara, on the house who is looking like the others from this village, but with more stones set as structures for the roof made out of fine wood and flat stones used to make the rooftop more durable. Others were using flat wood from the Mill, but Flint family has people who are experts in crafting and carpenters, so they do make a better house by using the cheapest material they could find in nature. Louise is sitting in the kitchen room, on a chair made out of maple wood, while his muscular brother, Lucian, is cutting the meat of a sheep by using a knife his family has used for a generation in cooking arts.

"You had a good dream last night?" asked Lucian to his brother.

"I don't even remember it." responded Louise.

"Mine I could remember it, and it was with Esmeralda." responded Lucian in such a weird manner for a muscular man, in a sweet manner like a teenager who fell for the first time in love. "She was there in the kitchen, she prepared an amazing soup and sarmale... Oh, my! They looked so delicious, and then we go to a room to have some good-"

"Whoa! Whoa!" stopped Louise because he doesn't want to hear his brother talk about sex on the morning, and this is the seventh morning in a row when they do talk about this stuff. "Brother. I know you like Esmeralda, but I am sensing something weird about her."

"Hah! You are jealous." responded Lucian, who is going back to cut that lamp of meat.

"Jealous? Me?" says Louise, being surprised by Lucian behavior. "How can I be jealous?"

"Because I will have a wife, and you do not."

"Okay. Then stop at what are you doing it, and hear me out!" says Louise, making his brother stop by doing his work and making him sit on a chair and proceed to ask him questions. "How many years have we lived together?"

"Since we're brought to this world." responded Lucian to his brother question.

"And we are inseparable together, correct?"


"And the first girl who loved you was nine years ago, and that one was going to use you as her bodyguard to avoid assassinations. She even tried to stab you after you peeked in her room while she was having sex with her brother. That woman got killed after she failed your execution, and you know who helped you?"


"Yes. I risked my life to protect you. And you forgot about that time?"

"No, I didn't, brother. But Esmeralda is different. Is not a noble, nor a bad person, she is sweet and can actually understand me. Come on, why aren't you giving her a try. I know, tonight I will arrange a dinner and all three of us we will eat my specialty, pork soup."

Louise didn't bother to say anything, he just accepted Lucian offer, and decide to play along with it. But he has a plan. Louise always has a plan. And his plan consist of reveal Esmeralda true intentions and warned his brother against her.


When the time has come for dinner, Brothers Flint are sitting on their kitchen, together with Lucian future wife, Esmeralda, and they are eating borscht with pork meat, a meal which was made by Louise. Esmeralda thanked Lucian for letting her came to their house and dinner, and he also thanked Louise for coming here.

"I am also glad you have come here." says Louise trying to fake a smile, and he has successfully done it.

"Look at you two. Getting along well." says Lucian, being happy about how Esmeralda and Louise haven't started a beating between each other.

These three people have prayed to the Gods of Food, and they proceed to eat this meal.

While they were eating this borscht, Louise was looking closely at Esmeralda, how she is sweet-talking with his brother. Louise is feeling like a third wheel. He is eating his borscht he made it, but he is also looking carefully at the lady while she takes a spoon of the borscht. After she did take a bite, Louise has put his spoon down, and he asked her.

"Esmeralda. It is true that you are working in an Inn?"

"Yes." responds Esmeralda. "I do work at an Inn and as a waiter to the same place."

"Nice. Are you really coming from a far away village?"

"Yes. The name of the village it is Zigoveni, and it is at three days of walking from here."

"Zigoveni... Isn't the place where the evil witches are staying there and creates poisons to control people memory?"

"It is." says Esmeralda without hesitation, which makes Lucian a little worried about this because he didn't know this type of valuable information.

"As I expected. So... You do use a spell to my brother?"

"Yes. Yes I did. And it was love at first sight. I wanted to gain his power and guard in order to-" says Esmeralda who is later realizing the mistake she has just said, but before she could've prevented this, she got frozen, by a Louise spell.

Lucian is feeling confused. He looks at his "wife" being in a frozen state, and back to his brother. He rises up furiously from his table, and as soon as he was close to punch Louise, he also got frozen, by his own brother. Louise had remorse when he was thinking about freezing his brother up, but this was the only option he could do it in order to reveal this lady intentions.

How he did make the lady reveal her intentions about his brother? Simple. He used a truth potion he bought from Dobrat a few months earlier before the war was about to begin. Louise thought this might be a good idea for doing scandals, but he preferred to keep it, cause of his gut instincts. And these instincts has saved his life.

But this small story it is not over, because it has only begun.

Louise is putting the lady on a chair, he tied her up in chains to the chair. He tied her so good, that he also used a spell called "Unbreakable" to the chains, which suggests the name, makes these chains unbreakable. They cannot be broken this easily, but they can be still broken because this spell requires Wizard mana full capacity. And if Judah ever tried to use this spell, the next second, he would just faint in the middle of the battle. After he chained her, Louise unfroze her and proceed to take his seat, but before he was about to that, he also unfreezes his brother from the freezing state, and he looks at the lady with an angry reaction, while he pointed his wand toward her face.

"Now, if you try something on me. I will murder your entire bloodline."

"What do you want?" asks Esmeralda, tied up and looking at Louise.

"The person who put you to do this? What's his name?"

"... I think you do know him." says Esmeralda with a smile face.

"What do you mean by this?"

"You remember Hamsei Clan?"

"So they are the one who did it. And who's the person who did it?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"...Well..." says Louise with a smirk on his face, while his brother is sitting on the back, feeling devastated that a girl used him. Louise makes the plate of the borscht soup flies to him, and he looked happy at the prisoner. "Maybe this soup might clear your mind."

Louise tried to feed the lady, but it didn't work out at the first tries, until Louise looked upon his brother, and tried to make him do this work. He accepted, and he fed the lady using his force. Looks like the potion she applied to Lucian has started to wear off. After he did this, Louise starts to interrogate this lady again, but this time, in front of a Lucian who is not on that love potion control.

"The person from Hamsei clan did it, right? Tell me his name." asks Louise looking at the lady.

"Robin Tudor." replies Esmeralda, not knowing she just told this man name to Louise. "... Your potion is good." she said that part sarcastically, which made a smirk on Louise face.

"Robin?" asks Lucian. "That guy who swear to kill us after one small fight?"

"Looks like he wasn't kidding." says Louise to his brother. "Thank Goodness there wasn't a much more major threat than a widget with a wing." he turns back to Esmeralda. "What does Robin wants from me?"

"...He wants your house... B-Because there is something there. And he sends me to investigate." says Esmeralda.

"What is the thing he is looking for?"

"A weapon... He said something like a relic who belong to Flint family." says Esmeralda.

Louise takes a quick look at the wall on his left, he sees the bookshelves with parchments and books Louise owns. He also asks his brother if he showed that to Esmeralda, but he didn't remember. The only thing he remembers was that night when he entered the night in that Inn and saw Esmeralda there.

"Did my brother showed the weapon to you?"

"No." she responds Esmeralda. "But, what is the weapon?"

"...None of your business." says Louise getting up from his seat, and walks to the right side of Lucian who is looking at Esmeralda making a face which demands mercy.

"Send her outside." whispered Louise. "And call the knight Arch to arrest her."

"Very well, brother." says Lucian going a few steps to Esmeralda, take her with the chair, and she throw her on the road, then, he closes the door after him, while Louise is looking at the bookshelf, feeling nervous that the secret might be reveealed soon.