Filler Chapter: Demon birth

This is year 122, the year when Kingdom of Romania was still at his beginning of establishing, and had a great alliance between other kingdoms (They do still have even in 250), and noble families who are doing their business instead of trying to take the King throne by blood or ending important people lives. One of the kings at that time, was just minding his King business on this day, until a big creature has fallen upon from the sky into a harvest terrain.

That demon is looking intimidating and is five meters tall. This demon is weaving a big sword on his left hand, while on the right is having a shield of fire. The demon is not wearing anything, but his parts aren't showing for obvious reasons. He is smirking when he sees a human boy on the road looking terrified on that demon.

"Get lost, you useless creature." he said to the demon after he cut that kid in half with his big sword. Only one swing was able to cut almost everything at a distance of five meters, a few houses, animals and civilians who were in the middle of this sword range. "HA! HA! HA! USELESS CREATURES!"

Then, the demon proceeded to walk towards the palace, which it is the same as to this day. The demons are smirking because something is tickling him, but then it annoyed him, he stopped from a brief moment he made the nine step, and he sees a warrior using his sword on the demon left food. That demon laughed, and then he stepped on that foolish warrior, crushing him like a low insect who couldn't protect himself or any other people. Demon proceeds to walk again to that Castle.


After a few minutes, that Demon was very close to the gates of the kingdom, but before he could be able to pass it, the knights of this Kingdom have launched a lot of catapults with fire towards that creature. There were also wizards who were using all of their mana's to stop this demon from marching forward to the Castle. But these attacks, didn't do too much to stop this creature from reaching his goal. That creatures have even used his shield to destroy a few houses by just smashing on them and killing any people on the street, destroying buildings, and killing animals.

"These lowlifes things do even think fire and spells could defeat me?!" said the Demon after he wiped out half of the knight army of Romania Kingdom.

Then, the demon feels something on his shoulder, on the left one. He took a quick peek and sees there a human wearing a cloak and with his sword about to stab his neck. That demon was to slap that human with the other hand before he put the sword onto a few houses who weren't destroyed yet. That human, before he was about to be slapped, he tells an incantation, and he disappears, right at the moment that hand of the demon was close to crush him entirely. He hit his shoulder, and he looked at his hand, there, he sees the sword of that human stuck into his palm like some sort of toothpick or a splinter. He was about to take out, but something bizarre happened, the man appears on the palm of this Demon.

"What ?"

"Surprised?" asks the human with a cloak when he took off his sword.

That demon was screaming at the mere humans on his palm of the hand, and before he could make a fist to transform that man into blood, the man with a cloak is stabbing that creature again and said the incantation which will make this human and the demon be teleported somewhere else far from this Kingdom. Demon and that man disappeared from the eyes of knights, peasants and nobles. All of them were wondering what happens and if they were dreaming. But the knights, quickly, raised their swords by celebrating the fact they have won this fight.


Meanwhile, on an empty terrain, on an area covered in kilometers of sand, a big demon has fallen from the sky and landed on the desert on his legs. It is the same demon who tried to attack Romania Kingdom, but it got stopped by a human with a crazy strong weapon. There was also the human who teleported there, but landed on his back to the big dunes of sands. His cloak even revealed his face, which showed a bear face, but a body of a human, which means this thing it is a semi-human, half-human-half-animal.

"Ugh... My head..." said the bear-man, getting up and feeling dizzy after this rough landing. He open his eyes, looks in front of him, and he sees the demon walking slowly to him with his shield - the gigantic sword got lost in Kingdom of Romania after he dropped it - to crush this man. "Great..." he takes his sword, and he prepares for a fight.

"Aurelius!" says an unknown voice from the sky, which makes the bear-man - named Aurelius - look on the sky. "Good landing?"

"It is not time for jokes, Austin!" says Aurelius throwing his sword a few meters back, says an incantation and after a few mere seconds, he gets teleported to the place where the sword landed. "Strike him, Austin!"

"Whatever you say!" says the man from the sky flying with the help of some kind of wings from an eagle, he is a semi-human. "Thunder!" he launches a sphere of thunder from his metal gloves into this thing, and it strikes his head, this made the Demon turned around and about to do a swing with his shield to that flyer. "Ice!" he launches an ice sphere, which didn't do much because of this hot atmosphere. The man from the sky dodged this swing, thanks to his flying abilities.

"Cannon Ball!" yelled a female voice not far from this creature, wearing a pair of googles with a shooting mark, and holding a big cannon. She launches a big cannonball towards that creatures, and the creature gets hit.

"What?!" yelled the creature when the cannonball hit his left leg and remain there. "What is this?!"

"Boom." whispered the lady taking off her googles, and she looks at the creature how one of his legs it is exploding, and it made the beast fall on the hot sand.

Before this Demon was about to realize what is happening, someone appeared in front of him, when he was laying down, and that person it is a man dressed in a priest robe, and this one is holding a big book. Then, the man proceed to say a latin and antique incantation, which makes a portal who absorbs this demon.

Demon was desperately trying to escape from the portal, but the hands from this portal who were holding him, didn't even bat an eye to let him go that easily. He got dragged there and in only a few moments, when his body was completely into the portal, te priest closed the portal by saying another incantation. Then, all of those three people gathered in front of priest, which tells them.

"We have captured the first demon. Congratulations, my apprentices."

"Anytime, master." said the guy human-bear to his priest while he is doing a respectful bow, being the only one who does that. "At least we did save our home."

"Indeed." says the priest to the human-bear. "But these Demons will continue to come here and try to conquer this world. So we must be prepared for anything and try everything in our power to destroy them."

"We will be prepared when they come here." says the guy name Austin, making his wings disappears and became normal human arms.

"Amanda." says the human-bear to the woman with the big cannon. "You did a good job."

"Thank you!" responded the woman.

"Aurelius." says the priest to the human-bear, teleport us back to our hometown.

"On it." he says, the human bear stabbing the sands with his sword, and then, all of those three people there are putting one hand on the man back while he says the incantation. And just like last time, these four unknown warriors have disappeared from this Dessert.