Under arrest

Two days have passed since we have killed the two remaining assassins who were after us and Garnet. We were feeling relaxed because we are now against only one assassin who is after us. This could've been bad news for us, but because we are all three of us in a good form to fight, Vidraru doesn't seem as a threat, more likely as a mere monster against a Fiona warrior level.

We were having breakfast at the time we got an unexpected guest coming at us on this beginning of the day. The guest was a knight who came to us by following the mayor order of this village. He came to our house, with five more knights, and he tell us, while we were having breakfast in our kitchen that we are arrested for murdering five people, and we will be kept on the cell for a long time.

Taka and with Ulfred were trying to rationalize with the man, but it was to no avail, the knight doesn't want to listen, he came over just to follow the orders. Ulfred was even trying to tell the knight that we are sent here by the King of Romania on a mission, but he just laughed at us and called us crazy people. We had no option, we had to surrender to the authorities even though we did nothing, and we could've beat these weak guards who were even shaking as they looked at Ulfred and his massive build.

All four of us got sent into the carriage where we sit on the seats, all having our arms tied with rope, but Ulfred had a silver chain since he is much more powerful than us in physical strength. Our weapons and every stuff got confiscated by the authorities, and we got sent by the carriage to the nearest cell block, where we will be spending some time there.

We were feeling awful that we were treated like that, but we decided to accept the fate as we spoke to each other. Ulfred and Taka told us that everything will be alright, and when the knights of the guild and of the Kingdom will come back to escort all four of us back to the kingdom, the justice will let us out, and we can come back to our homes and live in peace. Ulfred also said.

"Now we can be sure we will be kept safe and not stress with Vidraru."

"That would probably be the best thing of this place." I told Ulfred and I look at Garnet and I see her handling well the situation, taking the fact that for a moment she was always hidden in the house and protected by us. "Are you alright, Garnet?"

"Yes." she responds to me. "We will be staying there for a while. We were at least going to keep under a much more secure building than that house."

"Exactly, Garnet." replies Ulfred. "And don't worry about, if the guards will be trying something on us, I will be there to protect all three of you."

After a few seconds, we all got to the building where the knights are going to sign us in, complete some parchments and send us to different cells. We will be not having common cells which this might be a problem, but we are going to be fine. After all, it's not the first rodeo, you know?

I got to stay in a cell located far underground, while the other warriors, who are my teammates on this big mission of mine, are staying on the first floor. This would be trouble for me to not be able to communicate with them, but I can at least stay hidden and ignore anything. Or so I thought before I realized I was escorted to the worst part of the cells, the ones where people deserve death instead.

This would be some trouble in my case. Hope Taka, Ulfred and Garnet are going to handle well this hard situation.