Death And Pain

 The doctor shook his head and took a few steps backwards after he examined Yixian. He read Yixian's time of death. He died on the 31st December 2020 at 12:32 pm. Mrs Zhou fainted when the doctor announced Yixian's time of death. Later that same day CEO Zhou who was in prison died of a heart attack when he learned of his beloved son's death. 

The pain of losing the two most important people in her life was too much for Zhou Jingxian to handle. She would have cried herself to death if Yang Zi was not there to console her. Zhou Yixian and Chairman Zhou's funeral were held at the same time. The funeral was attended by close relatives and those who wanted to mock them. Their mocking words almost made Jingxian strangle one lady who said hurtful words to her mother had people not rush to save the poor lady from her firm grip. The burial went smoothly, all thanks to Yang Zi.