A Plan To Resolve The Misunderstanding Between Them

"This is the first time in a long time you have called him CEO Li instead of the usual Feng you always called him," Yang Zi joked, not wanting to answer her question.

"You are right. I am used to calling him Feng but despite our relationship he is still my boss so I should address him like one," Wen Min replied pretending as if she had forgotten her question. She knew Yang Zi had the habit of invading a discussion she doesn't want to talk about by asking a question that wasn't related to the discussion, so she was only playing along, waiting for the perfect time to strike again.

"You said last time that you will tell me what your relationship with him is but you never did, so can you tell me now?" Yang Zi asked. She wasn't curious about Wen Min's relationship with Yifeng; she just wanted to use it as a cover-up. Her best friend is a computer wizard, so she would have known how Wen Min was related to the Li's family if she was curious about them.