While Others Were Having Fun On Valentine's Day Shiyi...

"And you will end up calling me a cruel witch if that ever happens and I definitely don't want that so I will accept it. If ever I fall in love with you, which I am sure it will never happen, I will definitely shower you back with plenty of gifts to make up for the ones I couldn't give you," Yang Zi said, forcing a smile on. She collected the gift from him.

"You might think it is impossible for you to fall for me but I am certain that day is very close. I am looking forward to it," Yifeng said, giving her a warm hug. He hugged her as if his entire life depended on it. He was scared that all that happened today was just a dream. He sniffed her feminine scent. An explosion of floral scents is all he could perceive.

"Jasmine, rose and another unfamiliar flower scent," Yifeng said, refusing to let go of her.