Yang Mi Is Missing?

Yang Zi narrowly escaped the truck from running into her, but other cars following her were not so lucky. The truck crashed into about five cars. From afar off Yang Zi could see cars flying in the air.

"That was close," Yang Zi who had parked her car, panted heavily holding her chest which was throbbing. A moment ago when Shiyi warned her about the approaching truck from the opposite direction, she was so scared that she would end up dead if the truck ran into her with the speed it came. But all thanks to Shiyi's timely warning, she evaded the truck on time. 

"Zi Er, are you ok? I hope you didn't get hurt?" Shiyi asked worriedly, running his fingers through his well-styled hair. He did not have time to worry about his image. All that was on his mind was to confirm that Yang Zi was fine.