Feng, What Is Your Greatest Wish At The Moment?

"Feng, earlier you said that my birthday painting was the first painting you have ever drawn since your parents' death, but what about the painting you just showed me? If that was when I was nineteen, it means that you drew it five years ago, so why did you lie?" Yang Zi asked, as she pulled out of his embrace.

"I never said so. I only stated that you are the first person I have ever drawn after my parents' death," Yifeng quickly defended himself.

"Did you? I thought I heard you say my birthday painting was the first," Yang Zi said, scratching her head cutely.

"You heard me wrong," Yifeng said, as he pulled her cheeks playfully.

"Come, let's look at more paintings," Yifeng said, pulling her along with him. They looked at all his old paintings, giggling and teasing each other at every interval. As they did this, they completely lost track of time.

Yang Zi yawned for the second time as she rested her head on Yifeng's shoulder.