There Is No Right Or Wrong In Love

Why did Zi Er say I will be stunned when I see her designs? Is it because she thinks that the designs are horrible? How horrible can her painting be for her to make that comment?

Yifeng thought, staring at her with a mixture of surprise and confusion.

"Stop keeping me in suspense and speak, hmm," Yifeng insisted, when Yang Zi kept quiet.

"I am getting distracted by speaking to you so, let's stay quiet until I am through, Ok?" Yang Zi said, taking turns in staring at the semi-finished painting and Yifeng. She felt nervous as she drew.

After about thirty minutes, Yang Zi heaved a sigh of relief and dropped the brushes on the working table.

"It's not bad," Yang Zi remarked, as she stared at the painting in admiration. Yifeng slowly dragged his stiff body to where she was standing when he realised that she finished the painting.

"Oh, my gosh!" Came the exclamation of shock from Yifeng when he got a glimpse of the painting she drew.