Are You Guys On My Side Or Are You Both Against Me?

"As long as you don't make my pretty Sister Zi Er cry then, I am more than satisfied with that," Chen said seriously. 

Wow! These kids are just so cunning today? How can they indirectly both ask for the same thing? Don't tell me they plan this?

Yang Zi thought, staring at Yang Mi and Chen in surprise.

"You can count on me with that," Yifeng said confidently.

"Then, can we go in now? I can't wait," Yang Mi said excitedly. She tried to come down from Yifeng's body, but Yifeng refused to let her down.

"Brother Feng, can you let me down?" Yang Mi said, pleading with her eyes. "Everyone in there will think that I am a child if they see you carrying me like this and I don't want that".