Quarreling Over Who Will Pay The Bills

"Hey little man, don't jinx my and Zi Er's relationship with your words because Zi Er isn't going anywhere," Yifeng said confidently as he wrapped his hands around Yang Zi's waist.

Yang Zi just quietly watched them talk about her in her presence without uttering a word.

"Make hare while the sun shines, if you don't want that to happen," Chen concluded in a cool manner.

Since the day he set his eyes on Yang Zi, something inside of him already liked her. He wanted her so much for his elder brother, but too bad, she had loathed him. Now that it is confirmed that they are both in love with each other, he wanted her to be his big bro's wife.

After Chen's conclusion, they all stood quietly staring at each other.

"Guess what guys!" Yang Zi broke the silence excitedly.

"What?" inquisitively Mi Er asked anxiously, her eyes filled with so much hope.

"We are going for shopping afterwards!" Yang Zi relayed the news to the children.