You Are So Mean

A chuckled escaped from Yang Zi's mouth when she heard Yifeng's correction. His words made her recall how he corrected her in the same manner when she recently started working for him.

Who the hell does she think she is to laugh at me? She should be thankful Feng is here or else I would have shown her where she belongs.

"Boss, as I was saying earlier...,"

"Since it is true, that someone died because of their negligence, inform them that BEST Enterprise's legal team will not be representing their company in court," Yifeng said with a tone of finality.

"But Feng...,"

"There will be consequences if you call me Feng just one more time in the office," Yifeng interrupted sternly. 

"And you may leave," Yifeng said, instantly turning to face Yang Zi standing in front of his desk.