Su Jin Doesn't Want To Tell Feng Who He Is In Love With

"I will that is if I can ever fall in love with another lady and you don't have to worry about mum, she will get mad at first but she will understand my decision, eventually," Su Jin said, gulping down the entire content in the glass. This is the first time Yifeng saw him so miserable, he felt terrible seeing his best friend in this state. 

"You haven't told me who she is. And put yourself in Auntie's shoes, how will you feel if your only child tells you he isn't interested in getting married?" Yifeng asked seriously.

"Her identity is a secret and I can't put myself in her shoes because I am not a father yet," Su Jin said, avoiding staring at him.

"If you tell me who she is, I might be able to help you. I will do everything within my capacity to help you because I hate seeing my buddy in this miserable state," Yifeng said, putting the wine glass on the table.

"Will you? I doubt you will if you learn about who she is," Su Jin said doubtfully.