Secret Calls

"Feng, there is no need to blame anyone. I just hope you would protect her better in the future. Don't let me down," Mrs Yang concluded.

"I won't mum. I promise I won't have a chance to say I am sorry next time," Yifeng assured.

"I just wish you will stick to your words," Mrs Yang said as she turned and open the back seat door.

"Goodbye, mum," Yifeng remarked when the car was about to drive off.

The moment Yifeng entered the hospital, Mrs Yang's car which has left the parking lounge earlier came back and parked at the same place it was earlier.

After she came out of the car, she walked over to a red car parked some distance away from her car. The moment she reached where the car was parked, she knocked on the window of the car with a frown visible on her face.

She knocked on the window for the second time when the owner of the car did not wound down the glass of the car.