You Can Breathe Now

Why is Zi Er acting so suspicious and what did she mean by she can't afford to let me what she is up to? What is she up to and who the heck was she talking with?

Yifeng thought as he stood there staring at her.

"What are you standing there staring at? Don't tell me I look irresistible in this hospital gown?" Yang Zi asked playfully, just to drive Yifeng's mind away from the scene he met earlier.

"Hmm... You look so bewitching in that hospital gown. The hospital gown cannot hide your beauty. Even your curvaceous body can't be hidden. I cannot recall the number of times I have held myself back from pouncing on you," Yifeng said, as he approached the bed.

"You have always insisted that you have recovered so how about we do it here?" Yifeng said as he sat down beside her.

"Do what?" Yang Zi asked suspiciously. Understanding his words, her heart started racing rapidly.

"Doing what we always do in our bedroom...,"