He Looks So Delicious

"I know you we didn't come here to discuss like friends do but knowing your temper very well, I know you will need at least a glass of juice or coffee to cool down your anger," Mr Zhao said, placing his order. What further annoyed Mrs Yang was the fact that he placed an order for her despite saying she was against this.

"I came here to tell you I don't like the way you have been stalking me. My eldest daughter has become very uneasy with the black tinted car that is always parked in front of our Mansion. In fact, two weeks ago, she wanted to challenge the fool who dared to park his car there and monitor all our moves. You should be glad I stopped her because I can't even imagine what she would have done to you," Mrs Yang said seriously.

"You stopped her for my sake? This is great. I have always known that a day will come that you will feel my sincerity, I am so happy I didn't give up on you," Mr Zhao said smiling.