Yang Zi Is My Cousin?

"Who is she?" The girl asked before her mum could speak.

"Xiaotian, meet my best friend and sister Yang Zi and Zi Er, this is Jin Xiaotian. She is Fei's little sister," Shui Shui quickly did the introduction when she saw how anxious her little soon to be sister-in-law was.

"Hi, Miss Yang, I have heard so many awesome remarks about you from Sister Shui Shui. It is so nice to finally meet you," Xiaotian said as she hugged Yang Zi. 

Yang Zi was a little taken aback by her action but she did not let it show. She just patted the girl's hair before she pulled away.

They all walked towards where Mrs Jin was sitting.

"Mother, this is my best friend Yang Zi and Zi Er, this is Xiaofei's mother Jin Bichen," Shui Shui introduced. Jin Xiaofei just let Shui Shui make the introduction since she was the one who started it.