Why Are You Crying?

"Zi Er, calm down. Your blood pressure is going to rise if you get this furious," Shui Shui said in a mellowed tone. At the moment, she did not know what to say to make her calm down.

"Calm down? What is so calm about the truth I just found out?" Yang Zi scoffed as she shot Shui Shui a murderous glare. Shui Shui who hadn't seen her best friend this angry in a long time shivered. She was afraid Yang Zi might do something unimaginable if she goes on like this.

I better take her to the main mansion. I am sure with the usual playful Mi Er around, she won't be able to remain so upset.

Shui Shui thought as she quickly made a detour. About five minutes later, Yang Zi's phone rang. At first, she didn't want to answer the call but when the caller repeatedly called, Yang Zi had no choice but to remove her phone from her black handbag. Seeing that the caller was Mi Er, she took in a deep breath to calm herself down. She did not want to make her baby worried.