Mrs Yang Went Missing

"Mi Er, violin teacher called this morning to inform Madam about the immense improvement Mi Er has made after her last competition performance. Madam was very happy to receive such awesome news so she decided to surprise Mi Er by buying her a new set of violin and some toys and games she loved. Since she left the mansion this morning, we haven't heard a word from her or Mr Jiang who went with her," The Nanny calmly explained all she knew.

"If she wanted to surprise Mi Er as you said, that means she would have come back from the mall before Mi Er returns from school so why isn't she back yet?" Yang Zi asked rhetorically.

"Zi Er, don't worry I am sure Auntie is alright. Earlier when you went upstairs, I had messaged Shiyi about the situation and he promised to instantly drop by at our secret hideout so I am certain he must be there at the moment. He will inform us if he finds out anything," Shui Shui said, as she placed her hands on Yang Zi's shoulders.