I Will Leave

"Li Yifeng, I don't want to ever see you so, just get out of this room. I don't know what I will do to you if I set my eyes on you so I would love it if you stay far away from me," Yang Zi said fiercely, as she tilted her head to her right-hand side to avoid staring at him.

"Zi Er...,"

"She said you should leave so, why don't you just get out? Don't agitate her more than she already is," Shiyi said, glaring daggers at Yifeng whose gaze was focused on her.

"Feng, just leave. You can come back when she calms down a bit," Jin said. He trusted his friend but with Feng not giving any explanation or denying Yang Zi's accusations right now, he did not know whom to believe.

Even after Jin talked to him, Yifeng still stubbornly refused to leave the room.

"Since you won't leave then, I will leave the room for you," Yang Zi said firmly as she tried to remove the IV pin.