What The Hell Is This Brat Saying?

Throughout that day, Yang Zi refused to taste the slightest thing as water. Everyone was so afraid that she might harm her health if she went on like this but with her state of mind, nothing they said to her worked. It was as if she had shut the door to her heart.

The next day which was Mrs Yang's burial, Shui Shui and the others had expected Zhao Liying and her friends to show up just to mock Yang Zi, but to their greatest surprise none of them showed up at the burial.

If not that, Yang Zi held herself back she would strangle her Aunt to death when she talked about taking Yang Mi along with her in the funeral hall.

At the funeral, many people came, both her mum's business partners, close friends and friends she hadn't met since her mother adopted her. Best Enterprise employees did not fail to come to pay Mrs Yang her last respect.