That Girl Has Gone Crazy

"Let me enlighten you if you did not know. All the property under Yang's family including the company is both in my and Mi Er's name so, even though you take Mi Er, I will make sure none of you gets a penny," Yang Zi said, as she turned to leave.

"Hey, little girl you are just bluffing. Do you think you can win against us? Just wait and see how we will throw you out on the street," her first uncle said in fury.

"Do you want to know whether I am bluffing or not and did you just say I can't win against you?" Yang Zi asked, as she turned and stared at the one who spoke last.

"Would you believe that I have great influence if you receive a direct call from the President of our country? I can tell him to call you if that is what you want," Yang Zi said coldly.

"And did you also say you all will throw me out on the streets? Hahaha..," Yang Zi said laughing maniacally.