You Want To Kill Us?

"Because I am the type who is not afraid of anyone or anything. I am fearless," Yang Zi said coldly. The chills of her voice sent shivers down Mrs Zhao's spine.

Zhao Liying sitting in the direction the voice came from, slowly raised her head when she saw the black boots belonging to their kidnapper. Her gaze traced from the person's shoes and upwards.

Her mouth opened in shock when she got a glimpse of the person's face. For a minute, she could not utter a word.

"Why do you look so shocked to see me, Zhao Liying?" Yang Zi asked as she walked closer to her. When she reached Zhao Liying's front, she squatted to her level. Yang Zi's cold expression was more feared than when she speaks.

"Did you both think you will go scotfree after murdering my mum?" Yang Zi asked, staring into the eyes of Zhao Liying.